First Grow, Using CFL's


Well-Known Member
Def need a pick update. Sounds like things are moving along well though. 5 gallon pot should me more than you need and make your plant very happy. HPS set-ups arn't all that expensive. You could get a cheap magnetic ballast and socket for $150 from HTGsupplies. The real expense is dealing with the power usage as well as the heat. Once you add a HID you'll need to add a good reflector, and then two good exhaust fans (one for light and one for room) and then you might need to rewire your houses electricity... HTG has 400w HPS kits with ballast, bulb, and reflector for $189.00. With a 400w wouldn't need to rewire anything nor does it put out as much heat as the 1000w.

I guess alot of this depends on what you think is expensive though.


Well-Known Member
yeah it does depend iguess. some peoples ideas of expensive and others are two totally different things lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow TK! Shes doing fantastic!!! Great work so far and congrads on starting the flowering, It wont be long ull be loading that bowl!!! : P

She looks healthy and bushy as hell!!!

Are you going to take out your 5600K's for flowering?

Changing anthing else with flowersing? like watering,nutes or temp?

Great work TK keep us updated! : )



Active Member
i have perfect temp for flower right now. Its funny you say she looks bushy, because i gave her a trim of all her big leaves that were brown and yellow at the bottom. i will be starting some nutes on her very very soon. not sure of the brand. i may have someone coming to town and dropping them off, OR i may be gonig to pick some up in 10 days. i switched to 12/12 this morning. OH WOW! lights just went out for her, kinda freaked me out haha.

I am going to leave 2 42 W 6700K CFL's in as i have 4 Other 42W 2700K's in there as well. so i am running at 252 W's i may have an HPS coming for my next grow and i am also in the process of building a Veg room or perhaps a Flowering room. cant decide what i want to do yet. but as soon as i know, you will know.

i have 7 Cola's right now. and im very excited about that. its really cool. cant wait to see if they grow in the wet soil. seems to be taking forever to dry out!


Well-Known Member
I know the click of the timer is loud! lol Scared the shit outta me the first time I heard it! haha!

Oh beautiful on the lights! Im going to get 6 2700k's in total by the end of it all. Im wanting some mylar for the walls! Make better use of my lights. Ill be flowering 3 plants. So Ima need all the light I can get. Ima make it happin on Six 150watt 2700k's. : )

Thats also what I plan to do for my next grow! When These get through Ill be getting a HPS bulb and ballast from For a 250w (will grow from seed to smoke 6 plants) is only about 120$.

Then I plan to order 5 fem.ed White Widows. Ugh there gonna be beautiful! : )

See if they grow in the wet soil? Did you overwater? The leaves look a little bit droopy like youve over watered, But it still looks fine : )



Active Member
i dont know what the hell i was thinking i fucking drenched the soild and water after i mixed it , let it leak out alot and then transplanted. so the soild was still wet. uhhgggg. anyway. it wil all turn out. just gonna take a week for this water to go away. you are going with the White widow hey? i am gonna go with Super Lemon Haze i think


Well-Known Member
and keep the pics comming now that your in flowering, Your baby should be growing fast in the days to come!



Well-Known Member
No shit! lol!

Best things ever : ) But I do want a HPS. Wayyyy more lumens : ) Will be on my next grow!



Active Member
My next grow is going to be awesome!!! i have help from someone very close to me. and am in the process of building another box! so in a months time things could get very very interesting :) as i have a great feeding schedule and new nutes are on the way.

Came home today, chopped off another lower leave that was yellow and browning! had a bit of growth over night! but expecting more over the days to come. yesterday i have it 14/10 hrs. and i think i will give it 24 hrs Darkness and switch it right over to 12/12 maybe tonight or tomorro.


Well-Known Member
Welcomes : )

So your baby has already grown some? Nice! Lets get some pics in here! Im going to go update my journal with pics now, Stop by and see em! : P



Active Member
lots of new growth on the top cola over the last few days. almost makes me want to tie her down so the others will catch up, but i really dont want to stress her out so much. she has enough going on right now.

