First grow using Cyco Nutes with ebb and flo

So ya this is my first grow. I am trying to grow 8 plants and get the maximum out of them. I was told that these are my strains. I have 3 19" Flos and 2 8" flos and 1 9" og skywalker kush !1 13 " northern lights 'super silver haze hybrid and an 8" durban poison.
So my game plan is to continue to veg for anothe week or two the flip to flower. I am using and ebb and flow system with constant nutrient feed. I am using the full Cyco nutrient line as I bought one of the pro kits. I am also using a 600w digilux metal halide with plans to swap it to a digilux hps at flower. I am getting great results. Almost an inch everyday. Also growing in an 4ftx8ftx6.5ft grow tent its well ventilated and my average temp is 78 with fourty percent humidity. my ph is 5.5 right now cause i am one the cyco xl week and getting great results. my ph will be back to between 5.5 and 5.8 for the remander of the grow! btw I am averaging almost 1.5 inches a day this week thanks to cyco XL.
What I am asking for is any tips of pointers for these strain or my grow envirment.My plant all look completely different. like my large flos have alot of purple veins will that make them purple?
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Sebastien Blades

Well-Known Member
Im Looking forward to switching to cyco myself, or soul synthetics. Usually purple stems may indicate the plant being under fed, usually Nitrogen. However some plants just have purple stems naturally. I am not fimilar with the strain flo so I can not say for sure.


New Member
I have been fed the hype about syco from the inexperienced kids at the hydro shop. I dont by it there formulas look incomlete and it is obviously desighned
with elements missing in every bottle so You must by another one. Whats interesting though is how cyco uses pgrs in there nutes some have been taken off the market and some are
only in the Australian version but who cares really it seems like another Advanced nute type scam for kids.


Well-Known Member
WTF.... this is scary i have the pro kit as well and i have that exact same system i have used it yet cause ive never done hydro and i dont know how to set the water system and shit but dam ...your doin a hell of a job how are you liking the cyco line

im def subbed could you if i go over your feeding cycle with me are you following the cyco to the teeth for they schedule? how are your timers set sorry if im asking questions ive just been so lost on how to use that thng and now i saw this and shit bricks :)
I am in Veg. This is my first grow ever so for what its worth.............I am doing a 20/4 schedule. I enjoy watching watching time lapse video of grows and I noticed alot of "quick" growth during there dark time in greenhouses. I started at 24 straight and got good results but i heard more and more about a dark period being beneficial so I cut back four hours and I feel like I noticed more growth. I have kept a growth chart but only of recent and I am averaging almost 2 inches in a 24 hour period, but keep in mind that I am on the week using Cyco xl. (which has been streesed to me multiple time not to use more than one week or cycle.) I also noticed that my plants leaves are still up when I turn my lights off, but are down as if my plant is sleeping? Sounds good anyways.
And as far as the brand of cyco. It was starting by a lead researcher at advanced nutes and is very very well rounded according to my research as well as others at places who dont even carry it so I believe it in and to be honest my plants look superb so obviously they are doing what I want them to. I have thought about using a flower density improver i e makes better thicker more dense buds but was told i really would not need it beacuse cyco is so well roundes so maybe ill try it next so i have base results to compare to.
last I do go completely off the cyco calender most because im new. i do dilute down appropriately some extra dr repair in a mister bottle for my damaged or bad looking leaves but as you can see in my above pictures I only have like maybe 5 on only one plant and they feel fine just look a lil sunburnt possibly. maybe i got my digilux too close? trial an error!
I have had two plant die tho one early and very small and one just yesterday looked great was my second biggest of the smaller one completely dark green but just feel straight over thick stem at bottom about two centimeters was only 7 inches tall. so i threw it away. today was told i could have just tapped it back in place with breathable tape and i would have regrew. the root system looked amazing tho
Its a low as I can keep it right now and I seem to be getting great growth but if I start to noticed changes I will def. look at the temp first. They are in a large tent with a 6 inch intake and another fan inside circulating with a couple choice vents open? 70 to 80


Well-Known Member
hey man hows your grow goin? i'm doin cyco nutes, and use half strength PGR part a+b check my signature link, leave a post if u like!

lookin good man! need an update!


I would not rip on any nutrient company especially Advanced nutrients. Because you don't like them doesn't mean other people thrive on them. If you can get cyco to work go for it and use them! i was thinking about switching one of my trays over to cyco just to see if there is any difference although i have a system i have been using for years that works great. But sometimes i like to TRY NEW STUFF. if you are interested in some new cutting edge stuff i hear another Australian company that's getting some attention right now is agricultural organics. I have been hearing some pretty cool things about them i might even try a batch of that! I am a advanced nutrients fan have always had good results with them, although i will say they are a little pricy, simply because you have to use 4ml per liter but i use about 3 fourths the recommended dose at week 56 and 6 and even lower of that through the first couple wees and i have great results! i just switched to there f perfect sensi bloom. You really don't have to adjust the ph and if the ph is below 7 the plants look just as good as if it where at 5.7! the stuff works great but you don't have to use any other additives besides in veg pirhana tarantula and in bloom nirvana bud candy sensym big bud and overdrive i average about 700 a crop for 4 40 gallon resivoirs. i imagine cyco would cost even more though> BEst cheap line is def going to be house and garden. they proly are the best hands down really but im on AN for now cause i am getting better results then i did with them but its probably human error. good luck man.