ok well i planted germinated seeds into soil a mix of 50/50 MG potting soil and monure i waited till week three to start nutes which is juss MG all purpose first i had them under a 3 foot grow light and several cfl's but i switched them to a 4 foot flourescent light which has 4 tubes all are 40watt coolwhites at 4100k and 3000 lumens each i usually water 2x weekly once with distilled water that sat in the sun for 48 hrs then once a week with same water and nutes i got a ph/ water tester to help keep track my ph is sitting at about 7 for most maybe one or two drop to around 6 i had them on 24/0 for the first three weeks and now im slowly transitioning them to 12/12 1 hour a day. the plants were slow growing at first then when i switched to the fluoros they are growin alot better but only in foliage not really any height growth except a few millimetter. i always have a habbit of over doing things and thus i have an exstensive journal i keep about the plants including a growth chart. can anyone offer any advise? I do not want to switch to HID lighting honestly im a single father and i work in a kitchen money is pretty tight these days thanks for the help, also all pictures were takin today 10/20/10