First grow using Hempy, CFL and MG


Well-Known Member
Hey gang,

Started my Hempy grow using CFL and Miracle Grow perlite. I have to thank AZGrow and all of the other cats on The Hempy Collective for all of the tutorials and comments.

Why Hempy, simple. It is simple (and cheap). Here is my current setup, which will grow over time:

AK48 (Thelma and Louise), two seeds obtained from Nirvana (they rock)
Miracle Grow perlite (only thing I can find locally, Home Depot)
2 foam cups
4 27w CFL's (Home Depot) pumping out 1400 lumens each (each plant has 2 CFL's). I will get more as they grow and thinking 150hps for flowering.

Day 1: I used the paper towel method for germination

Day 3: they cracked in two days :)

Day 4: I left them there an extra day and the roots got really long. One of the shells came completely off leaving me just a white root. Both got planted into watered MG Perlite. I did not prerinse or anything but I filled it up until the resourvior was filled (can tell since water came out of the spill hole). Once I did that I planted my seeds into each cup. I set up my lights in a 18 Gal Rubbermaid tub and used my golf clubs and a strip to keep them up. You can see in the pictures how I did it.

Enough talking, here are the first pics of the first four days.

Please comment and advise. Input is always welcome.





Well-Known Member
Woke up today to see what the girls have been doing. I can see that they are working their way out of the perlite and towards the light!!

I have them on 24/0 since I only have 2800 lumens per plant. I have them each about 2 tablespoons of water (Poland Spring, room temperature).

12 hours later, I check on them to see and they are growing although one of them (Thelma) is looking weird. She looks burned or dry or the shell is on the leaf, not sure. Louise (the one that shed her shell in the paper is looking really nice.

You tell me?

First two are Louise and the second two are Thelma



Well-Known Member
Nine days since they sprouted and they seem to be doing okay. I got a fan going to keep the temps between 73 and 76 degrees and they seem to be growing nicely albeit slowly (but that is known seeding in Hempy).

One of my plants seems to have some burn spots on the tips of her leaves but she is still getting bigger. The MG perlite does have some nuts but not alot. I cut back on the watering, only watering every other day and even still not alot (I was watering everyday to keep the roots wet.

They were twisting a bit but seem to have gotten themselves right.

NOt going to give them any nutes for another two weeks (unless the leaves start to really look bad). I read here that MG Tomate nutes at 1/4 strength is not too harsh, I may look into that.

Here they are:

