First Grow w/PICS, Please Comment


Hello, this is my first grow and wanting some of the more experienced to comment of a few things. First let me list what I've done thus far. The room is about 4'x4'x7'. I am using a 400w galaxy digital ballast with supersun2 shade with a Plain MH bulb. I have an exhaust fan hooked up to the shade and another entry vent that is positioned behind my oscillating fan. I started with feminized seeds purchased at attitude (3 northern soul, 3 white widow) planted directly in dirt (miracle grow organic..I know I know). I ran a 24-0 cycle until the seedlings were up and out and then gradually decreased to the current 18-6 cycle by 30 min a day. I transplanted into these 3 gallon pots a couple weeks ago and didn't notice any signs of stress. The temps are 81-82 during the light and 71-72 when off. The humidity is always around 40-50%. The ph of the dirt is at 7 and I run my water through a Brita filter and then let it sit out for a few days before using. I first planted the seeds about 4 weeks ago. I think that is about it for info. Here are a couple questions: Are my plants looking to bushy? should I raise the light to help them stretch out? At what height should I switch to my HPS and a 12-12 cycle? When should I consider cloning so I don't have to start from seeds anymore? How are they looking to you? I haven't used any nutrients cause the MG says it provides 2 months worth, but do I have to use nutrients after the 2 months? Thanks Guys and Gals!



Well-Known Member
Hey and welcome to RIU
you have a decent setup for a first timer, other than the MG soil. but oh well anyways.
It's not a good idea for them to stretch for light, how far away are you keeping the light?

How long did it take attitude to get you your seeds? im gonna order from them myself, I've heard all kinds of good on them.
Ok forget about the MG instructions, they aren't for week.
Don't give them any nutes for atleast a good 3-4 weeks, OR they show you they need it.
That MG extended nute shit is a killer if your not careful and dumping nutes in to early will result it nute burn.
Careful I kill my first grow using MGs shit.
There are several threads and how-tos on cloneing, I just started so I'm not gonng advise ya there until I've played some.
Anyways welcome to RIU!


Well-Known Member
on 2nd thought, don't use MG's stuff next time around....
They aren't nearly as good as other soils you can find.


Well It's been 12 days and wanted to update the pictures. They seem to be growing great. Still using just water every 3-4 days. They range in size from 12"-16". I'm thinking about throwing them into flower any day now, what do you think? They seem really bushy compared to other grows I've seen on here. Is this a good thing?



Well-Known Member
They look awesome. Nice grow.... I would flower them soon or they might get to big for a 400 watt. If they start to get to tall in flower you could always tie them down to keep them low...


I started the seeds about 4 1/2 weeks ago. Not to bad considering I'm using MG organic and tap water through a Brita i guess. I was thinking about switching them to 12/12 tonight and starting some nutes of GH FloraNova Bloom. I will keep this updated with pics as it progresses. Thanks for the comments!


Well-Known Member
yeah beautiful plants u got there and your plants are perfect the way they are all bushy that only means more bud for you,, keep it up. and keep updating.


Looking really nice mate! My two WW are starting to look like your first pics so will be nice to compare my grow to yours, although im using CFL so I cant expect as nice plants.


Well I tried to add some FloraNova Bloom to the plants and I think I nute burned them. What do you guys think? Also there has been a lot of yellowing, mostly on the fan leaves. I've been pulling them off as they break loose on their own. My plants were extra bushy I think and I know that during flowering the plants suck these leaves dry for the buds, but I'm only 3 weeks into flowering so I'm hoping its not something else. I'm also battling fungus gnats :( been using fly strips, but now i'm gonna use some mosquito dunks for the next watering. Lots of things going not as planned, but it is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
Seems like you need a bit of Nitrogen.
It's too early for dying leaves.
What dose did you give em??


Well-Known Member
its up to you when to flower but make sure you have enough room for them because they will more then double there height when flowering but just reading your introduction you seem to get the jist of it , good luck