first grow - wardrobe grow box input ideas?


hey guys im new here

i am thinking of building a grow box for my buddy to put in his room... a wardrobe seems like a good idea. prob gonna be about lwh 36-48" x 18-22" x 60-84" depending on what i can find/build my main questions and concerns are with the lighting and ventilation my buddy says we should go 1000w hps all the way biggir light bigger buds kinda deal but from what ive read most people say that will be way too much heat unless properly vented... if this can be done how would u recommend venting? my personal opinion so he doesnt burn his house down is a 400w or a 600w hps ... 600w preferably i guess what do u guys think? any necessary aditional lights? maybe t5's i cant seem to find consistent info on t5s though do they work well alone or combined with hps i know they use less w and produce less heat?

it will be mylar lined/safety blanket and i will also be making a shallow bubbleponics drip system out of a rubbermaid and aquarium supplies if u have any tips, chime in but i think i got that under control...

odor - well ive been looking at diy carbon filters and i think we'll go that route but i guess it wouldn't hurt to put a couple ona/pine sol buckets in his room cause he does live in a basement suite with landlords on the top floor...

lemme know what u guys think any input helps


Hi dude..
I would say, if its ur first grow, dont go with a 1000w.. buy some t5 f. tubes, with the right color code. for the veg. stage..
If im reading correct, ur room is 48" x 22" x 7" ??? The 7" thats not much.. my box is 125cm x 65cm x 100cm, thats about 49" x 25" x 39" , and im using a 400w hps for my flowering, and thats maybee a bit to much, so i got a lot of fans to move the hot air..
But a 250w or 400w hps for flowering is enough the first time, but u need to figure out the room mes. if ur room is smaller then mine, then a 400w is too much..

An u can buy cheap carbon filters on Ebay, about 30$..

Hope this can help..


sorry i meant 5-7 feet so i guess 60-84 inches high thats just the amount of room i could make it potentially i guess itll prob be around 3' x 3' x 7' ideally but unless i build my own thats hard to find


Well-Known Member
make or buy a high quality cooltube for the 1000w hps and you'll be fine. thats what your buddy should do, if by chance their is a dresser that matches the wardrobe you could get that too and use it and t5 fixtures for a veg chamber.......perpetual growing is great.


Okay, thats a bit more room.. a 1000w with cooltube is a good idea..
And another room is also a great idea, i would proberly grow some motherplants,
and then cut clones and put em directly in flowering room..
look at this setup..
i found it on a thread here on rollitup..


yah that sounds good i guess with a setup like that what do u think an average yield would be every time i crop out would u think a pound would be easily achievable