first grow. week 4 of flowering. HELP!!!!!


Active Member
Ok so i posted about my problems with my plants a couple days ago. turns out this actually week 4 of flower not week 3. Not a big deal. anyways here are the pics of what is goin on. i got some yellow leaves. got nice green leaves where the tips are growing downwards. i got a couple leaves with black spots on them. not good obviously. but worst of all my lemon haze has a nasty case of root rot. my sour diesel that looks pretty good bud wise has some mold on the roots and and portion of the roots are starting to rot as well. my unknown bag seed looks the best. im pretty sure its island sweet skunk though. also, the fan leaves on my diesel are like redish purple underneath? whats that all about? anyways, any help with my problems would be awesome. I cleaned the resevoir and flushed the plants with florakleen for a couple hours yesterday. any other ideas?

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Active Member
They are starved of Nitrogen. Plants will naturally yellow as the flowering phase progresses, but this looks premature. Depending on the strain (flowering time), I usually continue feeding my plants Nitrogen up until the second or third week of flowering. This will prevent premature yellowing of the plant without affecting the quality or taste of your buds.


Active Member
i do still feed them nitrogen tho. Its in the floramicro and floragro nutrients. I just have reduced the nitrogen significantly. i will add more and see if that helps tho.


Active Member
The roots definitely don't look good. Are you oxygenating the water sufficiently? Keeping the water circulating at all times is essential. If you're still feeding them Nitrogen, then it may be a PH imbalance which is locking out the nutrient. Do you regularly check the PH of the water in your basin?


Active Member
yes i have a constant monitoring trimeter. I have a couple air stones in the reservoir. this is obviously a drip system. I currently feed them every 2 hrs for like 15 or 20 minutes at a time. is this too much? too little? my ph usually stays at 6.1 to 6.2. I've read different Ph levels everywhere. 6.2 is what general hydroponics recommended. The ppm is at like 900. the ph is at 6.2. temp is between 75 and 80f in the tent. nutrients temp is probably a bit under that. 1000w super hps bulb. fans and filters out the ass.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee your root rot is coming from light leaking into your roots. After looking at your pictures it looks like your using a beige rubbermaid container of some sorts, that is going to let some light through. Cover with panda film or block the light from the container. Beige is a really light color and it WILL let light in. Shouldve went with the roughneck rubbermaid, its a dark blue but even then when I used that roughneck I spray painted the outside black.


Active Member
i will do that. thanks! i've been meaning to cover it up. i used to have a smaller reservoir that was dark navy blue that i started with. I hope it saves em.


Well-Known Member
Throw some H202 in the reservoir, you wont be able to save the rotted roots but you can prevent the new growth from getting rotted. Goodluck