first grow!! what do you think?


Active Member
so i decided to post some pic's of my indoor growing too. you can see my outdoor at this link-

I tryed growing indoor before but i allways terminated it for difrant reasons. this time i decided to go all the way through! this are blue chees seeds i found in a bag of weed i bught in a visit to AMSterdam. found 10 seeds, only one servived. i put her in coco, using bio-bizz as nutes under a 400 hps.

i made 2 crittical mistakes doing this grow-
1. i set the lights too high at first and she out grow here normal size (she is now allmost 4 foot insted of 2.5) cousing bottom branches to fail
2. i had to over watter her because it really hot in here (over 88F!!) and that caused here nute burns but i flushed her and she is fine now.

she is now going in to week six of flowering after serviving all this traumas. what do u guys think of her? i decided because its my first grow i won't top her or LST, just let her do her thing. baybe her clones i will top. hope u can tell out anything from the pic's, thats the best i could get out of my gallaxy...

