First Grow - What's wrong with my plants?

Best Bud

New Member
Hey there,

First time grower here, I have 4 plants vegging under 600 watt right now, the oldest being 3 weeks old, and two of them have a kind of funky look to their leaves that is irritating me as I'm not sure what kind of deficiency/toxicity it is.

On the other hand, maybe it's just my imagination and the plants are fine, I'm just not sure and was hoping some more experienced growers could chime in. Any feedback would be appreciated!

I have attached pictures of 3 different plants, 2 of them being affected by the sane problem and one that looks kinda healthy in comparison (the one that's a lighter shade of green).

Here's some additional information about this grow:

Soil: Plagron Light Mix
Nutes: BioBizz Bio Grow
Water: 80% RO Water with 20% Tap

Again, any tips or insights are highly appreciated!


Best Bud

New Member
Thanks for your input, I just recently started feeding at 1/2 dosage, but that might still have been too much so you are probably right. I would still like to hear some more opinions before I take action though.

Anyone else care to chime in?

Best Bud

New Member
how close are your light just water no nute see if that helpd
Light is an LED and a good 18" away from the top of my biggest plants, according to the manufacturer anything further than 12" should be fine.
I will definitely lay off the nutes for now, thanks for your input