first grow white widow 400w


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hers the pictures
3 of them were male one of the white widows and the two freebies also male so am down to three harry girls and they have more space now
there are white pistols everywhere
watered them today with phd water and will feed them with bigrow and bio bloom (1 teasspoon of each to 2 litres)
cut the bottom fan leaves off and small growth that was just wasting the plants energy
anyone no where to get molasses??
all comnts welcome
Looking good, now the real fun begins!!


Active Member
sorry no pics but my phones broke,i lst them again yesterday and after 2 hours they were all facing up again so i did it again just there fed them bio bloom yesterday
am still looking for molasses will try put pics asap


Active Member
found the camera so i got pictures,they uploadin now,WW1 is in a 16 litre pot and so is WW2 didn have enough for another pot so WW3 remains in the 6 litre pot​
had to tie them down again as i wanted to lol
fed tonight with bio bloom,will get molaases at the weekend if i remember:-o
in two days i will be 2 weeks into flowering and should only need to go another 8 weeks before harvest,dry and cure although i think i will jus take a bud or two right of the plant when its ready to harvest


Active Member
Lookin good man! If you get molasses you can mix up to 2 tbsp per gallon, I give mine 1 tbsp per gallon.


Active Member
not really much to update about other than pictures,had to tie WW2 down again jus keeps on getten longer..,misted them for the last time
there are pistols all the way down all the stems,slight fruity smell comin from the flowers aswell

am jus waiting for the stretch now are you able to lst as much as tou want or is it bad for them WW2 responds really well to it,within 2 hours shes lookin back up waiting to be tied down again lol

018.jpg009.jpg005.jpg012.jpg006.jpg017.jpg014.jpg019.jpg 022.jpganyone know what this is from?



Active Member
Looks really good! - Could you please tell one thing - when you moved the WW from 6L to 11L was the 6L pot full of roots or was there still room left? I have Blue Cheese veggin now in 6L pots and they are same size as your plants so I would like to know will it actually be enough throughout the entire growth??


Well-Known Member
it looks thirsty & the Soil looks very dry .. soak it every few days if you dont already..and check ph..maybe theres a slight excess
and maybe theres to much heat....all guess work lol...maybe the roots are starved of oxygen abit.....hopefully someone with some more wisdom can give you more helpful advice just trying to help.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Hey Widow.
Just wanted to give u props(+ reps). This is turnin out to be a fine grow. I like the LST, and also I'd say from looking through all 14!!!!! pages of posts you got the right idea to transplant the two into bigger pots. They are looking nice and healthy. Did u cut the strings on the big potted plants? or can i just not see them anymore?

Did u put in molasses yet? I'm def gonna be using molasses for my girl as she is lacking the essential nutes for big weight. I'm not gonna transplant mine this time as it is already into flowering by 10 days, and also the plant is simply not big enough to want to outgrow my pot.

I'm sub'd and will be watchin closely. I grew 3 plants indoors in a bathtub once(similar looking setup to yours), with a 400w light and it turned out excellent yields. I had them in 11l pots.

Sub'd along with this one to the end. I want to compare when our plants come up harvest, as mine are the same age as ur girls, girl lol.

Tricky B :bigjoint:


Active Member
nice looking grow
im subbed got a ww going at the moment in coco under a 400w but no journal got lazy lol


Active Member
Looks really good! - Could you please tell one thing - when you moved the WW from 6L to 11L was the 6L pot full of roots or was there still room left? I have Blue Cheese veggin now in 6L pots and they are same size as your plants so I would like to know will it actually be enough throughout the entire growth??
there was roots all round the sides.the roots had begun to grow in circles on the bottom


Active Member
it looks thirsty & the Soil looks very dry .. soak it every few days if you dont already..and check ph..maybe theres a slight excess
and maybe theres to much heat....all guess work lol...maybe the roots are starved of oxygen abit.....hopefully someone with some more wisdom can give you more helpful advice just trying to help.

i jus watered the day before and the buckets are still kind heavy,the 6l pot is light tho so i might water that one tonight when the light comes on,as for ph it could be that as the ph tester i have doesnt giv a number but a color lol light green is 6.5 and what i water it with
i do think tho that its a case of the fan blowing on that side of the plant all the time,thanks for your imput will look into the ph thing tonight,peace


Active Member
Hey Widow.
Just wanted to give u props(+ reps). This is turnin out to be a fine grow. I like the LST, and also I'd say from looking through all 14!!!!! pages of posts you got the right idea to transplant the two into bigger pots. They are looking nice and healthy. Did u cut the strings on the big potted plants? or can i just not see them anymore?

Did u put in molasses yet? I'm def gonna be using molasses for my girl as she is lacking the essential nutes for big weight. I'm not gonna transplant mine this time as it is already into flowering by 10 days, and also the plant is simply not big enough to want to outgrow my pot.

I'm sub'd and will be watchin closely. I grew 3 plants indoors in a bathtub once(similar looking setup to yours), with a 400w light and it turned out excellent yields. I had them in 11l pots.

Sub'd along with this one to the end. I want to compare when our plants come up harvest, as mine are the same age as ur girls, girl lol.

Tricky B :bigjoint:
no you can still see them,jus the pics of the side view on the other two didn upload.

not yet am going to get them tomorrow then add them

if you don mind me askin what was yeild? wet and then dry?
thanks for the sub:-o