First grow with master kush


Active Member
First called High Rise, Master Kush was developed in one of the tall buildings in Amsterdam's Bijlmer area. Coffeeshop owners and regulars alike fell head over heels in love with this exclusive tetraploid strain. By popular demand, this Hindu Kush / Skunk hybrid was stabilized and marketed, and it has been a classic ever since. A strong plant of medium height and bushiness, Master Kush is a heavy producer which thrives in soil, hydro and greenhouse growing systems. Master Kush has a pleasantly earthy, mossy smell and its smoke is smooth.


Active Member
nope I had a little bug problem and I keep the potato slices on top because some bugs will love them more then eating my roots. I take them off every 24 hours and put a new one on the soil. I also use diatomaceous earth Non-selective contact killer, DE is the fossilized remains of single-celled creatures called diatoms. Each fossil has sharp edges that irritate and lacerate soft-bodied insects. The DE material abrades the exoskeleton of insects, causing dehydration and death. Effective on almost all crawling insects. Insects cannot become immune and will die within 48 hours of contact. Safe around children, pets and wildlife. Long lasting, odorless, non-staining.

The shells provide nutrients and silica to the plants, and it's organic too.
3% magnesium, 33% silicon, 19% calcium, 5% sodium, 2% iron and many other trace minerals such as titanium, boron, manganese, copper and zirconium.


im interested in planting this strain so i will be watching this :)
what lights are u using?

good luck with ur grow mazpot


New Member
Awe cool man, i got some master kush coming next week i hope, i did a lot of research on this strain and its all good, 8-10 weeks from seed and it is great for pain and what i have read you sleep like a baby. Which is why i got it so i can get off these tylenol pm. Im gonna subscribe to this, ive been searching for someone who is also growing this. Good luck dude. Right now i have 2 bagseed going, thats why i ordered fem kush, cant bet it all on these 2 and get males...peace


Active Member
thanks guys. For veg im using 4 fluorescent tubes. 3 of the tubes are 6500 temp and 3000 lumens. the other one is red and blue spectrum, 3000 temp and 1900 lumens,which gives me about 39,000 lumens I believe. for flowering I will use a 400w hps 8in sun tube reflector.


Active Member
umm sorry to tell u ur plants dont look great for day 13... and that set up is gonna have to be much more imporved if u even stand a chance of completing a harvest....


Active Member
I will be fine man. I did this last year and got a 5 foot plant with 300 grams. It will speed up in time and its green and prefect leaves it look fine to me. I have a Green Thumb and never killed a plant indoors. this hybrid plant is medium size with 9 weeks of flowering into 500grams. If its slow in veg then so what I will wait. Dont jinx me man :cry:.


Active Member
no jinxing here .. just straight shooting.... im happy to hear uve had a succesfull grow prio to this one.... my question is why are u not groing in the room u had ur previosu grow in........

I personaly have my clones 1-1.5 feet tall after 2 weeks and i harvest in a matter of 9 weeks from veg to end of bloom ..........but i run on a schedule.... maybe thats the differcne between us


Active Member
Well im only 20 years old and have been growing 2 years but I always used seeds. I was thinking about the sea of green method with clones to produce fasting harvests but im real short on money right now. I might just keep this master kush in veg and keep cloning from it but im not sure yet.


New Member
Master kush is the best, plant looks good man, if your set up works why change. I m gonna follow this thread for awhile so keep us updated