First grow with plenty of pictures!!


Well-Known Member
nothing to do with points, in fact if ya like i will ask mods to wipe it clean if it makes yourt day better.
go look at my posts and you will see that it is all for helping others. so sorry i try to help outso much.
and i was talkin to the other person any how

Hmmmmm seems like you just posted the same thing as every one else, lookin for points. lol i dont care see ya i`m gone i got no time for this shit, ha ha try to help and get shit on

smartguy345 if ya want help pm me, sorry if i bothered you wonderfull people, lol
unscribed, sorry no time for this
dont worry, i already contacted the mods for U :-)

actually I posted that in order to subscribe to this thread, plus I wanted to throw in my 2 cents from my personal experience that U had failed to tell him.

U could have made one helpful post that would both subscribed U and made ur point clear.

why do u think the posts have the EDIT button? u come into someone elses thread, and make several posts within minutes of each other, and U refer to each post as "points". this isnt a popularity contest. it just makes U look desparate and try-hard for attention Mr. 100% activity

get a life and a clue..



New Member
Nice help with my thread... lol sarcastically.. Anyways, I went and did some more shopping today. Picked up some mylay and better fluro lighting. here are the pics below.

I finally put them in soil containers and watered them. I am anxious to see how they will react. I bought a little itty bitty tiny clay pot just so I can make a marijuana bonsi. Lol, I dnt know if it will work, but worth the shot.

I also bought a ph test kit, some distilled water, a hygrometer that takes reading inside room and in the grow area in direct light.

So what do you think



New Member
I am surprised with me cleaning things out the closet and switching fluros the temps have been at the ideal temp I wanted. In the room it apx 77 degrees and in the grow area under light apx 78.9. Not bad at all.


Well-Known Member
everything looks great!

good luck with that bonsai! ur gonna have a hell of a time with it in that pot, especially if U have a sativa or a sativa dominant strain. :-)
good luck tho


New Member
Been keeping the door open to allow cool air to come in. So far the temps are at 77. Doing good this is day 4 or 3 i believe of light cycle on for 24/7. No problems so far, except some roots that may need some support.


New Member
will provide pics later tonight promise! I have been working lately. As well I will discuss further plans with the grow room.


New Member
Update. It is going on 2nd week of the veget. stage. So far pretty good. I had only a little bit of room so I had to end up putting two plants in one container. The containers are big but I dont know if that will lead to problems? I plan on killin all males.

Temps with door open stay around 78 degrees and at 85 max. So temps are pretty good as well humidity.

I plan on buying a small ac portable for only 299. to keep temps down. As wel instead of cutting into the drywall. I am going to make a door out of panda plastic and zipper lock and then cut holes into and attach ventilation vent and fans. this way the room stays light proof and keeps min. of construction to house. ( which is rental)



Active Member

looking good dude. subscribed. good luck with the grow, hope to sample it some day. holler at me tomorrow.


If you are in dallas head to Texas Hydroponics. Good place good prices. Its off walnut hill by all the strip clubs :D


Elite Rolling Society
Hey, is this the thread you directed me to, from the Spiritual Thread? What's the question.


New Member
Oh no it is this one .

This grow is no longer as someone decided to take it from me.

But the problem I am having is that my plants look like they are overwatered. I still can not get them back up and running. I have tried flushing water out. I am only using 1/4 tsp per gallon of nutes.

my temp is 70-72 degrees F.

I have raised and dropped the water levels.

I even took out the plants and placed them into a h2o2 solution with a air stone. Still nothing...