First Grow: WW-3 tent-DWC/MegaGarden:+rep to all

But we ran out almost 2 wks ago n they were really growing good until we fckd em up this wknd, so surely not the co2?
well co2 requires higher ambient temps to receive the full benefit. With higher temps, photosynthesis is full speed ahead! If you ran out 10 days ago I would think they'd be affected before now.

But they would also use higher nutrient concentrations with co2, so w/o it, they would need less nutes..

Less nutes and less temps w/o co2. If your under 85* f then temps may have less to do with it. But coupled with the other environment changes, could cause wilting.

I do think they can recover, they are hardy plants, and at least your not battling this in 12/12.
So maybe we should forget the co2 on this grow? The store is like over an hr away the tank is defective or somethin runs out n 9 days or so lol.
Id say no co2 is better than going back and forth. If you stopped using it, your plants are definately using less nutes.

Co2 is great if you are in a hurry, pumping out as many harvests as you can in a year, and everything else is dialed in.

If your not in a hurry, and hate having to fill your tank or make an urgent unexpexted trip to fill the tank, then forget it. If your at a constant 1500 ppm and go back to 300ppm, growth will halt, forcing you to fill your tank.