First Grow


Well-Known Member
There are several problems with this grow that need to be corrected for you to see ANY results. First, MOVE YOUR LIGHTS CLOSER, you are stretching the shit out of your plants. If you don't keep cfl's within a couple inches the plants try to reach for the light, and will eventually tip over. Second, NEVER plant two plants in the same pot, in a little while you will be unable to transplant them, they will turn into siamese twins and they'll compete for nutrients and light the duration of their lives, which shouldn't be too long. If you're having space issues, buy smaller containers. Third, you need more light man, those bulbs may be enough if you plan to yield a dime off of all your plants combined, but if you want more than that you need more light. White paint won't do shit for reflection if it has nothing to reflect. Last thing, why the F are you going to 12/12 already? If you flower those things, and they're females, you will yield next to nothing with those lights and so little veg time. Set your timer up for 18/6 at least for a few weeks. There are other problems, but those are the immediate ones I can think of. Hope you take all this into consideration, I have the best intentions in mind.


Active Member
I dont even think anything will happen if he puts them into 12/12 already? I mean they wont even go into flower.. They are too small atm, I would say that you could get away with those lights for awhile, but eventually will need more...more plant.. more light.. and try to pick them up in 6500k for veg. I would at least run 18/6 and let the plants grow til AT LEAST 5 inches, give or take I guess. The white is actually just fine for reflecting light for it actually reflects more light than mylar in most cases.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say white paint doesn't reflect light, I use it myself. My point was that white paint is relatively worthless if you only have 2 cfl's in that large of a space. Paint or no paint, his plants aren't getting enough light. Also, you can 12/12 from seed, but the results vary, and you yield very little per plant. It really only makes sense in limited vertical space applications. You can successfully grow a bunch of lollipop plants, it just doesn't make sense if you have head room you're not using.


Well-Known Member
There are several problems with this grow that need to be corrected for you to see ANY results. First, MOVE YOUR LIGHTS CLOSER, you are stretching the shit out of your plants.
My lights are about an inch away from the plants. I don't see how I can get them closer without somehow melding them into the pots. They are physically resting on them. I'm not sure how I'm stretching my plants seeing as how they are all less than 2" tall. I'll see what I can do to get them closer, but I really don't see how.

Second, NEVER plant two plants in the same pot, in a little while you will be unable to transplant them, they will turn into siamese twins and they'll compete for nutrients and light the duration of their lives, which shouldn't be too long. If you're having space issues, buy smaller containers.
Waste of space if they are males. Also, these are the pots I have and none of the stores here currently have anything smaller in stock...that's right, neither Lowe's, Home Depot, nor Wal-Mart have any smaller pots for sale right now. Everything they have is of the large yard decoration variety. Apparently no one in this area grows anything out of season. So, I either use what I have any way I can to get something in the ground, or I wait for better conditions. No offense, but I'm not waiting. Stuff is in the ground now. Next plants, this will be my first major correction. For now, they stay together. Not being an ass, just telling you the way it is.

Third, you need more light man, those bulbs may be enough if you plan to yield a dime off of all your plants combined, but if you want more than that you need more light. White paint won't do shit for reflection if it has nothing to reflect.
Got 6 bulbs currently, will have 8 soon. Can't do much more than that without worrying about overheating and electrical fires. How much more do you think I need?

Last thing, why the F are you going to 12/12 already? If you flower those things, and they're females, you will yield next to nothing with those lights and so little veg time. Set your timer up for 18/6 at least for a few weeks. There are other problems, but those are the immediate ones I can think of. Hope you take all this into consideration, I have the best intentions in mind.
Because I want to sex them, and I know I can veg more once I know what I have. Which also lets me think about taking clones sooner.

Look, I don't care if this grow turns out 0.5 grams from all those plants. I'm wanting to get something, anything grown.

Don't think I'm just not listening, it's just this time through, I'm doing it this way. Next set of plants will take more of these suggestions into play. I've already thought about everthing you've said before you even posted, and I do appreciate your taking the time to say something, but for right now, this is just how it's going to be. Hell, I still haven't even bought everything that's on my shopping list yet.

Ignorant noob has to learn the hard way.

I guess it comes down to, I can gut what I've done so far, and totally rework it to take in your suggestions, or I can keep on keeping on and see what happens then worry about corrections next time. I'm not going for High Times centerfolds here, I just want something I can smoke. I'm going to turn the lights on shortly...I'll see what I can do.

+Rep to Dank for trying to help. I do appreciate your suggestions, and I am taking them to heart...grow #2 will be infinitely better.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, I just turned on the lights and gave my grow a good looking over. First, let me state what I've got going on right now before making any tweaks.

2' x 2' x 5' box, interior painted white.
6x 23 watt CFLs (2 6500k, 4 2700k) soon to be 4 of each bulb all situated within 2" of a plant leaf.
Cheapass DIY reflector.
MG moisture control soil.
Soda bottle of yeast, water and sugar for a little CO2.
4" fan for a bit of air circulation.
1 Large pot with 2 plants in. 2 Medium pots with 2 plants each. 1 Small pot with a single plant. 1 beer cup with a single plant.

Now, what I'm thinking about all of this.

I've got enough light for the stage I'm in, and have plans to add a bit more. If I really need it, I can get another socket in there for up to four more bulbs (for a total of 12). These lights are currently as close to the plants as I can get them and A. feel safe at night about the fire hazzard, B. not worry about burning my plants up, and C. still obey the physical laws of the universe which prevent me from putting two objects into the same location.

My soil is crap, but at least it's some kind of medium for roots to grab ahold of. I found a store within about an hours drive, so as soon as I have the cash and, more importantly, the time, I'll be heading over there to pick up some Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I'll be buying some Grow Big and Tiger Bloom while I'm there.

I'm going 12/12 right now hoping to get the plants sexed as soon as possible. This will help with several issues, including, A. removing males to free up pot space (ie. I can transplant to get 1 plant per pot after finding which are males), B. letting me know which are female so I can take some clones, and C. I figure I can put them back under 24 hours light after they've sexed if I don't decide to just let them go to harvest. Also, several things I've read say that giving the plants some dark time helps with root development, so, even ignoring sexing the plants, giving them 12/12 seems like a good idea. Reguardless, I'm just trying to get through this first grow ASAP and looking to the future to take advantage of improvements.

What I did today was to shuffle the pots around in an effort to squeeze the lights even a millimeter closer than they were. I don't know if it helped, but at least I tried. I'm courting the idea of just arbitrarily killing off a couple plants before I know sex just to transplant down to one per pot. I just can't bring myself to kill one of my babies before I know what it is. I'm going to take another trip out to the stores and see if I can't find something of a decent size for some planters I can work with.

Pic 1 is the smallest pot with it's single plant. 2 & 3 are the two medium sized pots. And the last pic is just a shot of all the plants in the box hoping to show how close the bulbs are...I really can't move them any closer without cutting into a planter or resting a bulb on a leaf.



Well-Known Member
Haha ohhhh, seems like you made all of the improvements I suggested even before I suggested them. You may have mentioned the upgrades earlier in the thread, I must have missed it. In that first set of pics, it looks like you only have two cfl's, and they are like a foot and a half away from the plants. An inch is plenty close. Sounds like you have a better handle on things than I thought. I hear you on sexing them too, I thought you were just a super noob that thought thats the cycle they need from the start. Well sorry to have been so adament when you had already made those corrections. I just don't like to see guys not growing up to their potential. Hurts my eyes to see so many plant problems on here cause guys don't read up, guess you're not one of them though, peace. Oh and +Rep for the confusion.


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely correct, the first couple pics I did have just two bulbs and they were way too far away. Round about post #16 you'll see I started adding more bulbs.

Right now I'm just really irked that I can't locate planters of a decent size...I can't believe the stores around this backward, one-horse town. I'd rather not have two plants in a pot, but it is what it is.

Weed drought right now making it tough to find a buzz, much less a bag, so my temper is pretty short and my patience is pretty thin. LOL :peace:

Thanks again for stopping in and trying to help. Feel free to keep offering up advice.


Well-Known Member
Well, took a trip out to the stores and still no luck finding small planters. At least the chick at Home Depot said they should get some in next week, so all is not yet lost.

Talked to a buddy of mine on the way home and inherited a nearly full box of Miracle Grow blooming ferts. 15-30-15 NPK. Not the best, but at least it's something to use til I get better.

Now I just gotta figure out when would be good to water them. They got a bit of water when germed, and of course from the rehydrated jiffy plugs, as well as the MG soil being pretty moist. But other than that, they haven't had a drop. Soil is looking a little dry on top, but it's barely skin deep. Also, should I hold off on those nutes a bit longer (like for the second watering) or just go for it? I'll prolly mix half strength, like 1/2 T for 1 Gal cause I've heard those MG ferts burn plants quick.

Man, I need to find a joint to smoke and calm down about this grow. Don't want to kill the little ladies poking my nose into the box too often.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's what you want to do. Put the MG away for a long time. Then water your plants with nothing but fresh water for at least two weeks. I made the mistake of feeding nutrients to my plants as little sprouts, and it nearly killed them. Go to Walmart, and buy schultz all purpose plant food. Its REALLY cheap, probably around 3 dollars, but you will need vegging nutrients to start, and I think that stuff is a 10-15-10. Start them with a 1/4 strength nutrient solution, and gradually build up to full strength over the span of a few weeks. Water with pure fresh water every 3rd or 4rth water, this will prevent nute lock and keep the ph balanced. When you switch to flower, use a 1 part schultz, 1 part MG mix for the first week, but half strength of each, so both together equal a full strength mix. Then after a week switch to just the MG. Oh, and if you're watering with tap water, let it sit out over night, to let the chlorine evaporate. That's what you want to do.


Well-Known Member
Update time. Decided to water a little today. Broke out the pH test kit while I was at it.
Box temp: 74* F
Distilled water: pH 7.0
Dirt/Water emulsion: pH 6.8

Watered 50 ml per plant in a careful circle directly around the stem. Don't want to overwater at this early stage, so I hope the little ones like it. Had an accident and knocked over the single plant in the smallest pot. Lost some dirt and a couple inches worth of root (a couple small bits). Repotted as quickly as I could with a bit of fresh soil and 50 ml of water.

Pics follow. Smoke a joint for my injured baby. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
lookin nice u really shouldent have 2 plants in one cup. not good
This I know and have already been told several times. Fix coming next week when the local stores get off their asses and unload their trucks.

Thanks for stopping by! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I see folks mentioning molasses sometimes. Do y'all mean like the corn syrup like sweet food stuff we eat, or is this a fertilizer product name I'm not familiar with? Anyone clue me in to it's usage?


Well-Known Member
Well, I think I have identified 3 males. I can see small club-like structures with two blunt horns sticking up off of them. Wish my camera were better so I could post some pics and ask for opinions. On the plus side, I think I've identified 2 females. They appear to have a structure that looks more like a single claw or thick hair.

Then again, it may be far too early to tell.


Well-Known Member
Wooo Haaa! Positively identified two males and plucked them, as well as identifying two females. Woot! Woot! :joint:

Since the last update they've had two waterings, one with 1/2 strength nutes (the MG I have) and one with plain ol' water. Plucking the males has trimmed it down to one plant per pot now. Also, I think I may have identified another it a day or two to be certain.

They're getting big and nicely stinky. :)



Well-Known Member
3 Confirmed females and all the rest plucked. I hope this crappy camera is sufficient to show of their nice white hairs. Tomorrow is watering day with 1/2 strength nutes. Now the fun really starts. :weed:



Well-Known Member
Big happy time update today! :leaf:

I've applied some LST action to the girl in the smallest pot. She's just loving it...bud sites popping all over (pics 1 & 2). A little bondage on one of the girls in a medium pot...I won't call it proper LST because I'm not lowering the main head enough to redistribute the auxins, but at least the lower sites are getting a bit more direct light (pics 3 & 4). The other medium pot I'm just letting grow straight up to see what it does...add to the learning experience (pic 7). Pic 5 is just a group shot in their home.

And last, but certainly not least (just ask her) is The Runt (pic 6). This little girl has struggled with life from the very first germination way back when, but she seems to be taking off now. I keep callering her a she for good luck, but she hasn't actually indicated yet that I can see, so everyone smoke a phatty for my little one. I'm sure rooting for the underdog!


I've also found a better site to build a cab, which should make the next grow even better. I'll be needing some design help in the near future and I hope I can count on some of y'all giving me some inputs.



Well-Known Member
Quick update before the girls go to bed. Did a little further bondage on all of them to keep the canopy even and maximize light usage.

Pic 1 is group shot in their home. Pics 2 & 3 are of plant 1, and pic 4 is her main cola. Pics 5 & 6 are of plant 2, and pic 7 is her main cola. Pics 8 & 9 are of plant 3 in the biggest pot, with pic 10 being her cola. Last three pics are of the runt who is officially female.

So there's my four girls. I'm hoping to be able to start the earliest harvesting between Christmas and New Year's, but I'm not schedualing it, just letting them grow til they tell me they're done.

New box is getting put together slowly but surely...trying to figure out a pleasing solution to ventilation through the divider wall and whether to go with mylar or white paint for reflectivity. Link in sig, help appreciated.



Well-Known Member

Very nice. Looks like your flowering abit early. But some people do that because size issues. Also, you didn't top them did ya? I always make sure to top them. Creates more bud sites, and larger buds. Just some friendly advice.

Keep up the good work.

If the rep system is working for me...+Rep (sometimes it doesn't let me give rep, dont think it works sometimes for me)

Now, I need to work on getting me some rep. If you ever use the topping advice, and like it, you can return the rep favor.

Keep up the great work

My Quote " Some people decide to build great bodies, I decided to build great plants "