First Grow


Active Member
Wanting to grow 1-4 plants and have a choice of indoor and outdoor locations, wondering which would be ideal for growing good high yield bud.


Well-Known Member
No substitute for nature my friend, if you want true large yield, grow under the sun and use your own organic fertilizer mix. The shear idea that one could grow outdoors, living my neighborhood, makes me envious of someone in your position, haha. Get some Sativa seeds and grow to the sky mate. Happy growing

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Spoken truth Sure Shot, not to mention natural beauty. I'll look at the sky over a bunch of CFLs anyday :p

KC :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies! I will definitely grow outdoors! A friend linked me a website where he has gotten successful seeds shipped to him and now I am trying to decide on which seeds to pick. Where I got confused at is for outdoor growing they would give a "harvest month". Is this just the highest yielding month for the particular strain? Or is it the only time I can grow this strain? I was looking to start in a couple weeks. The weather here is fairly warm at the moment and will only get hotter as it gets closer to summer.


Well-Known Member
The seed companies posted their times they recommend for you. The times are how long the strain needs to develop, but also their recommended time is how they got their best results; in that time frame. Once you get going you'll be alright mate, happy growing, outdoors are sexy

KC :leaf