First grow


Active Member
Alright, so this is my first real attempt at growing weed. i have tried before but it was from a friends plant that we tried to clone but we never got roots made and they just died. What i have is a few white widow, ak-47, and purple sativa seedlings started that all came from bcseeds. Does this look like enough lighting to start these plants? right now i have (3) 42w 6500k cfl bulbs and i have a 105w 5000k bulb that should be here in a week or two. i plan on putting them outside when they are big enough to take care of them selves and keep like 4 or so inside. Tell me what you guys think :leaf:



Alright, so this is my first real attempt at growing weed. i have tried before but it was from a friends plant that we tried to clone but we never got roots made and they just died. What i have is a few white widow, ak-47, and purple sativa seedlings started that all came from bcseeds. Does this look like enough lighting to start these plants? right now i have (3) 42w 6500k cfl bulbs and i have a 105w 5000k bulb that should be here in a week or two. i plan on putting them outside when they are big enough to take care of them selves and keep like 4 or so inside. Tell me what you guys think :leaf:
You should put your plants outside in as much sun as you can give them as soon as you see the seedlings appear, or just put them out now (They will sprout faster indoors cause indoor temp is higher though.). This will harden them up to the enviornment. If you keep them indoors and bring them out in the sun after they are big, you will kill them since they wont be adusted to the strength of the sun/outside enviornment. Or, you'll have to slowly train them to be in the suns light but takes time and your taking chances with such great strains. Just keep them indoors or out!
For your question, you'll need to get more lights in there for them. For right now they should be ok untill they get a few inches tall, then you definetly need more light. Right now with the lights you have, I suggest you seperate them over broad area over your pots. Get some reflective material around the area/pots too. I.E. White styrofoam boards, wood panels painted flat white, panda(black/white poly), mylar and so on. This will enhance your usable light. Also build your own reflector for your light, just do a search on DIY light reflector. PLEASE DO READING on how to take care for your plants, like, nutrients and how much, how much to water and not over water, hours of light your plants should have and when, signs of plant trouble > <. When you grow, have your own routeen and keep it simple like feeding them, what and when! Alot of people buy a bunch of fertilizers and additives and think that its going to be a better plant or its going to be the best it can be. When in reality your girls are being over fed and going to get sick! Like I said, keep it simple (unless your a pro), read up and you should get good results.
Well I hope this has helped you a bit! If you have any questions, give a holler. I don't think I'm a pro but I know what I know and have 9-10 years of growing pleasure behind me.:clap: