First grow!


Hey just to give everyone a bit of BG I have been interested in growing just never had the spot to do it. I recently came across such a spot, not looking to grow on a massive scale just a few plants. So I went ahead and have been researching hardcore for the last few days on what I need.

Today I made my walmart / Home Depot run and purchased the following.

1/2 inch thick wood, painted white to make a closet the size of 5' Tall 2' Deep and 3' Wide.

Potting soil
Bio degradeable starter pots
2 Small fans for ventilation
Jugs of cheap walmart distilled water
LIGHTS! OMG this part was hard and I did the best I could. I have a metal reflective hood for each different light.
I bought a 150 watt soft white CFL and then 4x 100 watt daylight CFL's

So I am aware there are a few things I will be needing in the future such as more vitamins for the soil / humidity meter / CO2 Filter etc.. If there are more things you feel are neccesities please let me know!

So what im going for here is a closet looking space and I planned on putting a small fan near the bottom blowing air in and a small fan near the top to blow the air out.. They are 4 inch high power fans. Do you think this will be sufficient ventillation? Do they need to have different palcements?

I am just throwing about 5 mid grade seeds in for my first grow so I get the hang of it before ruining expensive seeds. Will these seeds still produce? I know I will have to get rid of the males ASAP but hopefully I will still have 2 females that will produce something. Im not looking for anything special just if I can smoke something at the end my first try was successful imo! =D I just threw these under the 150watt light today so hopefully I will be planting them soon.

Other questions are do you think I have sufficient lighting? Where should I place all of these lights. They are all on hoods that have heavy duty clamps on them so I am able to constantly adjust the height of them.

A few other questions are how to people cover their light flowing through whatever their ventillation is? Like I plan to have 2 holes in the side of my box for venting with those fans but then there will be two beams of lights coming from my box!

Well, I better not overwhelm everyone too much right away so I will post other questions I come across at a further date. Thank everyone for stickin through it and reading this! And thanks for any feedback ^.^


I need someone to help with my ?'s! =( I just am throwing an edit in here because I would like to know some opinions. I am currently talking to a local guy about buying some female clones but of unkown strain decent atm. What im wondering after reading through journals on here is that my setup is already quite nice to what people are growing with and I believe im starting to fully understand most issues such as when to change things like light schedule / vits / trimming etc. Do you all think I should get some real seeds? If so what is a decent strain for indoor growing in about a 5 ft tall space and 2 feet wide. Also its legal to order these seeds eve nin the U.S.? And they are just shipped to the house?


Active Member
There are so many different strains that i personally can't say this one or that one, so many are great. If you want to grow a mother and do sog's then something heavy on the indica side would probably be best. if your looking to grow large plants or do scrogs you may wan't to go with a good sativa.

There are a lot of good seed banks out there, i personally have liked Nirvana due to the fast receiving of there goods. (even though they no longer give free seeds :/ )

It is illegal to import seeds into the US. But they do ship to the US and you really don't have anything to worry about. US Customs has bigger and better things to spend there time hunting for 10 seeds hidden away in the postal system.

I Personally have ordered seeds with a CC and had them shipped directly to my home as have countless others.

Nothing is truly safe but your odds of getting popped from ordering seeds is pretty bad. Your probably more likely to win the lottery.


Active Member
Also setup sounds good, should be enough light. are those the conversion watts? so 1x42w & 4x23/26w?


Also setup sounds good, should be enough light. are those the conversion watts? so 1x42w & 4x23/26w?
Hey thanks for replying! Let me narrow the type down a bit haha! Im looking for a plant not much taller then 4ft (dont know if thats a huge plant or what) And no bigger then like 3ft diameter. Skinnier and mid height is the best. The smell also the more of a mild smell would be the best so I wouldnt have to worry about the CO2 filters etc as much.

As for your last question about conversions I dont know what you mean. Im not quite sure I just know one said it was 150 watts and 4 of them were 100 watt each.. Thats what the package said at least lol


Hey thanks for replying! Let me narrow the type down a bit haha! Im looking for a plant not much taller then 4ft (dont know if thats a huge plant or what) And no bigger then like 3ft diameter. Skinnier and mid height is the best. The smell also the more of a mild smell would be the best so I wouldnt have to worry about the CO2 filters etc as much.

As for your last question about conversions I dont know what you mean. Im not quite sure I just know one said it was 150 watts and 4 of them were 100 watt each.. Thats what the package said at least lol
Hey I know I am posting alot but after I get home from school tonight I am going to be drilling and sawing holes etc in the box but now im worried about the issue he said about lights. Could anyone answer for me if my lighting will be sufficient or do I need to change something. Thank you! =D


Well-Known Member
your lighting is fine for a few plants.

id get this practice grow under your belt before buying clones or top grade feminized seeds

throw up a few pictures of your grow box when your all done setting it up.

have your babies sprouted? how are your germinating them?


your lighting is fine for a few plants.

id get this practice grow under your belt before buying clones or top grade feminized seeds

throw up a few pictures of your grow box when your all done setting it up.

have your babies sprouted? how are your germinating them?
Hey I finally figured out the lighting lol! It has tiny print saying the wattage and what they are equivalent to. So yeah I have 4 like 30 or so, they are equivalent to 100 watt per. Then I have the big one that is soft white which is equivalent of 150.

I custom built my box out of plywood, sprayed all the pieces yesterday then today I cut it all up and just put the shell together. Im ordering seeds tomorrow so I have a little bit to get it all finalized. I decided to toss those nasty bag seeds out, would be such a crisis in 5 months or so when I go to harvest if it all went smooth and all I get is nasty mids haha =P

Question though, I believe the correct way to germinate the seeds is to throw them under the light inbetween 2 damp paper towels right? Do I want to keep these paper towels relatively wet? like by the morning it was pretty dry and im just makin sure I am actually supposed to keep it damp till they peek out of their shells.