First Grow


Active Member
Hey, im new to the site, and this is going to be my first grow. I have chosen to use Big Bud seeds, i heard they were good for beginners. I have chosen to use a 400 watt mh bulb for vegging the plants. Currently, i have all 10 seeds being germinated via paper towel method. After 48 hours, half have sprouted, and have a nice root tip, and have been moved into jiffy pots.


Active Member
well, its wednesday and my seedlings are just poking out of the ground. Im just construction on my more elaborate closet machine :) I am going with a 6 inch in-line duct fan that pushes around 300 cfm max? (not too sure on the specs) and i will upgrade from my cheap 3 foot t12 cfl's to the 400 mh on payday to get them really goin strong.

I thought i accidentaly killed them all by overwatering my jiffy pots, but after further reading i discovered that they shouldn't be too wet lol. I plant to add in a cloning chamber on the side of my grow chamber and grow sea of green style to maximize my harvest for such a small area (2' deep x 3' wide and 5' tall) Im looking at buying a digital cam, but the sprouts arn't very impressive now


Sector 5 Moderator
Sounds great Rob; best of luck to you. I've got some Big Bud seeds ordered from Nirvana; got a confirmation today that the order is being assembled. :) I'm just using CFL's for now; I've spent close to $1,500 on hydro, lights, seeds (including 100 Blueberry's from Peak in BC), nutes n ferts, meters, guages, probes, cords, etc.


Active Member
well, its day 7 since germination. The plants are about 2.5 inches tall :), and looking good. I've planted the jiffy pots into 8 inch pots with 2 parts sunmix, and 1 part pearlite. They are just starting to grow their second set of leaves. I finished my grow room, and for now it only features 4 40 watt t12 flourescent tubes, and 2 23 watt 2ft t5's that are just above the plants (plan to use them later for cloning and such). I also added bottles full of sugar, yeist and water for co2. The temp in the chamber stays around 27 degrees celcius, or 81F. The humidity sits around 60% as well. Ill take some pics later today if the digital camera is around


Active Member
Ok, here are some pics of my grow room. The blue circle things are my intake fans, 2x120mm computer fans, and the blue is a fibreglass screen so that its not sucking in dust and crap. The lights are 2 23 watt t5 vho bulbs, standard spectrum, 2 footers, thermometer reads just under 25, and hygrometer reads just under 60%.



Active Member
its 22 inches deep, 39.5 inches long and 54 inches tall. it is a self standing unit built to fit into a closet. we have secured the mh bulb and ballst, we will construct the system when our materials arrive. in the near future full.metal.jacket, (my buddy) wants to upgrade the lightsin the corner vertial lights to something significantly better. he has heard good things about the sunblaster vho bulbs. would you guys recomend those, or perhapps something better, more cost effective?


Active Member
Day 9

Well, the plants are looking good (as far as I can tell) except for the little orange spots on the one. My guess its either ph, or heat. I tried to correct it by moving the lights a bit farther away, but that didn't seem to help, which makes me wonder if the ph is wrong...Any sudgestions would be helpful, also i need a cheap way of testing the ph of my soil and water. New lighting setup is comming in 4 days, with an inline duct exhaust fan to vent the excess heat. The temp usualy stays around 26C or 78F with 50%-60% humidity



Active Member
Day 10

Everything going good, bought some penetrator and folitech to foliar feed them when the time is right, also bought some flora nova for soil nutes. Orange spots are looking smaller, and they are growing nicely. I ordered some blueberry seeds today...with only 2 seeds i might not get a female, so rather safe than sorry. I bought the seeds from bcseedking because it was that fastest delivery, and local :P I'll see how they turn out



Active Member
Day 12

Good news! 400 Watt HPS Ballast and 400 Watt MH Bulb with my sweet ass reflector came in today!!!, i also bought a 6 inch in-line duct fan that pushes 304 cfm :D There are some updated pics...also im expecting my blueberry and kahuna seeds any day now...I ordered from BC Seed King, if they're from vancouver (i really have no idea) it usualy takes 1 business day to order stuff to where I live


Active Member
today i got my blueberry and kahuna seeds from bc seed king, i germinated 10 of each, hopefully they will sprout and one day become some very healthy females...the mh bulb is working beutifully...temp has increased slightly, to about 86 degrees F (30 Celcius), but the humidity has dropped to 45%, i need a way to increase this cheaply, if anyone knows