First Grow


Active Member
This is my first grow ever. The plants are about 2 1/2 weeks old straight out of germination. They look pretty healthy to me. I have only been watering when the pots or bucket gets extremely light and I can feel dryness in the dirt a few inches down. Haven't worried about fert. yet. Im giving them a few more days before I move them all into 5 gallon buckets. Got a 400watt HID lamp going to them 4am on 10pm off. Anyone care to give me advice or opinions on these plants? Thanks guys :weed: Will update too...


Everything looks great those size pots are good for a bit i would leave them for now. I use those for my whole grow most of the time until last month of flowering then i go to 5 gallons to let them breath and and to conserve space. Take down all tin foil produces hot spots and not as reflective as normal white paint.


Active Member
plants that size your better to give small amounts of water everyday .they don't have roots on bottom you have no worry of root rot rite now.pour rite around base of plant.look good oregon024


Active Member
so just put some mylar up? im pretty sure i dont wanna be painting it with the plants growing in there :D


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ohh and my buddy told me the bottom two leafs at the bottom "the ones turnin yellow" are suppose to fall off and not to worry about this true also? just wondering, tryin to get more knowledge about all this... :D


Well-Known Member
yea i'm a bio major and i believe cannabis is a dicotyledon? so the first two leaves just fall off it's okay :)


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they are all looking good still, seeing some more growth. fixed the walls, and left setup as is for now. will post pics in a few days, they are starting to smell good :D


Active Member
i supercropped my plants today and all i can say is wow just the reaction from the plant so quickly is definitly keeping an eye on these babys


Active Member
Here are an update on the plants. First off the two in the middle I tried to top, dont know if i fucked it up or what but they are still super small and dont seem to be growing up any, just growing more at the bottom on the leafs and shit. I super cropped the bigger 2/4 and have them tied down for some LST. The only other concern besides the two smaller plants is on one of the bigger plants the leafs are pointed downward (dont know if from weight but possible) and one or two leafs are curling, I got quiet a few pics, let me know what you think please. :joint:



Active Member
more..a little of the leaf curl downward and inward...this is only on 1 plant, and the temp....75 degrees, and also the plant i tried topping from the top view, dont know if you can see where the cut was at...



Well-Known Member
the two in the middle I tried to top, dont know if i fucked it up or what but they are still super small and dont seem to be growing up any, just growing more at the bottom on the leafs and shit.
no worries, the plants always slow down for a week after topping and most new growth is from secondary branches. that's why you top - to make a bushier plant with multiple colas at the top of the canopy.


Active Member
sweet my basment flooded and shorted everything out, hopefully i can get it back up and going quickly. any ideas on where to put the plants for the time being....i have cats....


Active Member
well got the water all pumped out, well pretty much all it, few a few tiny wet spots...everythings back up lights on, had to get a new heater and timer because they both went underwater, got fan back up and running, only downside other than the bullshit you'd expect is my case of 6 400watt HID bulbs are now fucked :(


Active Member
ohh and will the humidity down there be bad for the plants just for a few days its pretty up there right now