First grow.


Ok. This is my first grow. I've been very lucky to say the least. When I started growing I had no previous knowledge on growing but throught the grow I have become very obsessed with growing and have been reading book after book about the processes and have become pretty educated on cultivating the magic herb. Educated as I may be I believe you truely don't know until you've seen and practiced cultivating. That's where you guys come in. :) attached are pics of my baby. She is a mysterious seed that I got lucky with. I know genetics is half the battle so this mistake won't happen again. I used poor lighting as well so the plant is small either way. I used 5 2ft lights of America 75watt flourescent bulbs. I have been using a miracle grow 15-30-15 bloom booster during flowering. I could not remember the exact date I planted it. (noobs) but it was around the end of august 09 and flowering began on december 8 so she is going on 11 WEEKS!!! Taking FOREVER!!! Now I don't know what the bud will look like as it grows in so I'm checking every day for false seed pods and bud. It doesn't seem nearly developed but developed at the same time.. Weird. Because it's been sooo long and normal flowering doesn't take this long I'm worried all the inturruptions in the dark period and timer malfunctions have delayed the flowering so now it will take an expert grower to time this harvest right....something I'm not but perhaps maybe one of you guys may be.. ;) any help is HUGELY appreciated! Thank you so much in advance. Oh and p.s. It smells deliciously sweet. Not like a skunk so we may have gotten luckier with genetics than I thought. :) and the plant is coming up on three feet tall. (pictures to follow)


I want to put them on here but the pics were taken with a Nikon S60 so the pics are huge and i can't figure out the best way to get them all on here..a compressed folder with them is 25 mb...and imageshack freezes when I try uploading just one there...which is about 2 mb..any help again appreciated..


Ok. Here are links to the pictures. If anyone needs any information or a picture of a certain part (ie. Internodes, pistils, ect.) just let me know. ANY AND ALL feedback appreciated. Don't rip me apart since it's my first grow, but in the same respect it IS my first grow so CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is a necessity lol

Flowering Week 11:



Well-Known Member
I posted the links...but they have to be approved so it out of my hands from here..
That will go away once your post count goes up a bit, then you just upload em using the manage attachments button

everything you need to know to grow in soil is in my NooB Advice thread


Ok I'm on a phone typing this now so clearly I can't post pics from here but I guess I'm just going try to get to a computer so I can retry this operation...