First Grow

Well I started this about a week ago, goin alright so far, just tryin to get some experience... Right now im using a 60 watt CFL and a unknown tube fluroscent. Today I got my hands on another light today, just need CFLs for it, but first i need some funds. Anny way, heres some pics, just keepin a little journal, feel free to criticize :joint:

These are from July 5th



Took these today cause i was bored lol

when you transplant into bigger buckets mix your soil with 1/3-1/2 w/peralite. they look like healthy seedlings though!
love and respect!!
Naww no nutes yet, waitin a biiit, not quite sure when too start usin nutes either, my friend is warning me as a first timer just to transplant into fresh soil an they'll be good for food
i myself am usually light on nutes
I usually just do one water a week with nutes for veg. 20.10.10
Then for flower i do full strength 10.20.20.
I only use one nute for each stage
Yeah cause as i hear most first timers have problems with over nuting, so id rather just ignore it all together, but it is an important part so i do want to learn at the same time.
well to put it short you basically want a nute with more nitrogen for veg like a 20.10.10
then for flowering you basically want a nute with more phosporous and potassium like 10.20.20
But the again you cant forget about the lesser things like zinc,magnesium, calcium
But for the first time i recommend just learning about the plant
those look real good man good shit. did u germinate and if so how did u do it?. and i would wait till you get at least three sets of tru leaves before giving nutes but thats just a thing i heard. but overall good looking plants + .will check back
thnx for the request dnvr im just getting used to this site and have been interested in the first time growers cause I myself just started growing
thanks for the input, I read that, and it does make it seem simple, I am just goin to transplant it to fresh soil around the time when its fourth set of leaves out. If they do look like they need food though, im going to ask a friend who has experience with it to help me, havent talked it over with him yet but im sure he wudnt mind

and to germinate them i just put them in the dirt... this started as a joke to be honest, my friend gave me 6 seeds, so i put them in about an inch down, an 3 poped up, the other 3 were duds, annd they've bin healthy since, I plan to update this journal every 2-3 days, i like to keep track of the growth, for fun. I didn't even have lights, I ended up finding these fluros in my basement, and im adding more




roomate found plants last night, she turned the lights off, an i didnt get home for like an hour after they wer turned off but they seem ok
If anyone could throw in their 2 cents , would an hour of dark time , in the 24/0 cycle affect it? noob question from a noob grower!
those leaves are lookn fatty! if you are feeling timmid bout adding nutes dont worry about it cause good soil can provide proper nutrition for up to 100 days. if you do decide to pik sum nutes up just be sure to read what the bottle says and cut the mix in half than just slowly build up from there. i would let your galz get bigger though so they may handle it. you will know if you are adding to much nutes cause the ends and edges of your leaves will turn orange and burn.
Looking good CC.
I am about a week behind you so I will be following this closely!!
Good luck.
Thanks for the input once again! Im gona switch from 24/0 to 18/6 in about a week, maybe sooner, still not sure when im going to bring it down to 12/12, all depends if i get more lights, if i have more light, im going to veg them longer, buut if i dont get enough lights i'll probably flower them sooner then later. Im gona update the pics today too.

:D feel free to comment