First Grow


Well i finally started my own grow after thirty years of buying someone elses stuff. I started in pro mix and am using a sun box 24/0. Bought beans from the bank lost some during germinationbut for the most part im pretty happy.:mrgreen:



Ok just added a thermometer i got from wallyworld for six fifty also picked up a timer to get on a schedule of 18/6 temps are running 82 to 83 humidity is at 20 %



i dont know much but ive read around that low humidities can affect the plant also. Id say keeping it at an steady 40%-60%. if you dont have a humidifier maybe a tupperware with water in there could help. What i do is that I also mist my closet a bit and let the heat evaporate the mist.


i was wondering about that i added two milk jugs with what a friend calls fish emulsion ( his ole lady cleaned out the fish tank) hope it helps


It didnt work put 2 dishes of water in with it still at 20 % dont really know what to do any suggestions would help


You can get a humidifier that would be the best thing you can do to get your humidity high. Make sure also that is one that you can regulate. It will take some trial and error before you find at what rate of your humidifier will you get the adequate humidity. From what I know is that low humidity will make your plants perspire more meaning that you might have K deficiencies in the future. So Just letting you know that.

My plants have K def right now and a one has some Iron def =/ but they are getting better! They developed the problem because they were in around 10-20% humidity for like a bit over a week. Didn't realize that that could also play a part in my problem right now.

So get the humidifier and meanwhile you can sprinkle around the floor doors, all over so that that water can evaporate fast and raise your humidity. Also keep in mind that you will have to do this every hour or two else your humidity levels will drop right back in no time!

hope it helps~