First Grow

Okay thank you very much for your help, so I should dry my buds for 8-10 days. During that time should i have like a fan circulating air?


Well-Known Member
deff have a fan how could i forget to add that lol i use a simple window fan or a box fan just throw it on low in your drying cabinet room box what ever your drying in and yes 10 days my buds are fully dry with fan circulation !!


Well-Known Member
as long as the buds are waving back n forth in the room its fine , and direct usually works to but i dont do direct my friend does and his buds have no smell to them untill you grind it up it kids takes away from the nice taste (my opinion ) but yea aslong as u can feel the breeze acroos the hole drying space your good to go


Well-Known Member
yes sir it is !!!! when are you going to have pic updates im excited to see your lil plants get thick with flowers !!!!! i cant weight to see final weight
I will have some up tomorrow for ya, hope you like what you see. If you see anything I could improve on, feel free to tell me. Its my first grow and im still learning.