First Grow


Well-Known Member
More pictures for you guys that actually come look. Everything looks great to me and I decided to prop the panda film on my floor up behind the plants so they get even more light.



Well-Known Member
When do you think I can start flowering. I was thinking about this Wednesday or at latest Friday... What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
holy shit!
what are u feeding these things?

great job REV!

Wed or Fri sounds good! cant wait to see them bloom.



Well-Known Member
Just feeding the standard line of fox farm nutes. They work wonders. I need to get my tiger bloom though before I start to flower.


Well-Known Member
No idea... as I said first grow. My medical buddies say an ounce + per plant? If I were to achieve this I'd be looking at around a pound, which was my ultimate goal with this grow. Think it's possible... tell me what you guys think.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
No idea... as I said first grow. My medical buddies say an ounce + per plant? If I were to achieve this I'd be looking at around a pound, which was my ultimate goal with this grow. Think it's possible... tell me what you guys think.
I think your about right with the Oz+ per plant... Its hard to say what your final yield will be, you have a fucking jungle in there and not to mention you don't know how many plants are Male, Female, or Hermie yet. Just out of curiosity, how many plants do you have as of right now?

The other thing I noticed, which I don't think is a HUGE deal but you may want to keep your eye on the leafs curling up on the edges. They should be flat, curling can mean a few different things. A couple that come to mind are Heat and Magnesium Deficiency. There might be some other reasons out there so you might want to check into it first. Even with the curl- your plants still look fuckin awesome and I give you mad props for how far you've come. Good job man- keep it up...


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Wait a second... aren't all of your plants from clone?? That means you do know how many plants you have that are Female... bah I am too stoned and tired to go back through and "refresh" my mind. When you get a chance could you answer that? haha damn I'm lazy... or I'll just read back through tomorrow(actually today) if I see you haven't answered yet.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
all of the ones on the edges are clones and mothers that my buddy didnt have room for anymore. so i Have at least 10 fems + 2 feminized hash plant seeds and 3 CH-9 that I THINK are femmed. I'm not sure how many total I have, I'm pretty drunk and don't want to count right now. I noticed curling too but at the rate they keep going I think they're still healthy as fuck.. Once I flower we'll see how fast they go and then I'll see what or if I care to do anything about the curling. This round I don't wan't to do too much, plants are plants and as long as i Keep up what I'm doing I think I can still reach my goal even if they have a few inconsistancies.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
all of the ones on the edges are clones and mothers that my buddy didnt have room for anymore. so i Have at least 10 fems + 2 feminized hash plant seeds and 3 CH-9 that I THINK are femmed. I'm not sure how many total I have, I'm pretty drunk and don't want to count right now. I noticed curling too but at the rate they keep going I think they're still healthy as fuck.. Once I flower we'll see how fast they go and then I'll see what or if I care to do anything about the curling. This round I don't wan't to do too much, plants are plants and as long as i Keep up what I'm doing I think I can still reach my goal even if they have a few inconsistancies.
Right on. Thats what I was thinking too- about the curling. Just thought I would mention it in case. Ya, either way they should be fine and they look great. I wouldn't probably want to mess with all of those either. I would say with all of those plants you will get a pound. Maybe a little more, I wouldn't imagine any less. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
They'll be getting even bigger this week hopefully. I plan on picking up more soil from the hydro shop when I get payed, then I can just cut the bottoms off the bags and drop them into 5 gallon buckets... maybe like 8gallons total root space when I'm done. I duinno If I'll do that until I'm a few weeks into flower though because I don't want them to have TOO much root space for the plant size. I just really hope I can pull a pound, maybe a zip of two over so I can throw some personal in the bag.


Well-Known Member
1lb is nothing. dude shoot for 2! aim for the stars and you'll at least hit the clouds. with ur setup I can see some great results!



Well-Known Member
The plants just hit their first 12hour dark cycle. I'll post some pics tonight or tomorrow night when the light comes back on.


Well-Known Member
Pic update. Started flowering on wednesday and here's what I have going so far.

First off I want you guys to confirm but im 99% posotive this is a male:

And here are some pictures of the room and the babies as they have progressed:



Well-Known Member
Dear god... thats a effin forest son! They have made crazy progress... yes that a male, no doubt about it, and those nuts are swelling so pull it asap. dude like spittin said, a pound is pocket bud for this grow... way to be!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply, I'll pull that male tonight when the lights come back on. hopefully it hasnt burst yet, although I doubt it has, it hasnt even been a week from flower. these are all in about 4 gallon containers, in about another week or so if I cut the botton off the bags and drop them on top of some five gallon buckets that are a little over half full of soil do you think it would make a large difference in the size of the plants/buds?