First Grow!


So my plants are around a foot tall an I am really looking to put them into flowering in around 2 weeks..But it's an outdoor grow an its been getting 12/12 sunlight sense the seedling stage..If you have any information on the flowering stage I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!


Active Member
If its been on 12/12 since sprout and it gets 12/12 when moved outside then it will flower when its mature enough.


Well-Known Member
Running 12/12 you can't put into flowering!!!!! It allready is and the plant will bloom as it wishes..dependant on variety and enviroment..Check secound internode from top for pre-flower's so you can sex them. read-up!! 12" should have a minimun of 6 set's of leaf nodes and small branching growing top? to lollypop? Read Read Read, here are typical 10-12" vegeing with Co2 (hanging) these allready showed female! Check your plant's out!.Wake-up ladie's!.jpg


Awesome thanks alot for the info! I have already topped the main cola an it now has the 2 colas growing they are already pretty big do you suggest I top both of thoughs before flowering?


Active Member
You don't have any control over flowering times when growing outdoors! They just start blooming in august when the days get shorter! and the outdoor photoperiod is more like 14/10 now.


Well I guess I'm just gonna have to wait it out an see what my plant don't get direct sunlight 2 hours out of the day


Active Member
Even if they don't get direct sunlight 2 hours out of the day it will still get enough light to prevent it from premature blooming. It has to be at least as dark as a full moon at night to do that.


If its been on 12/12 since sprout and it gets 12/12 when moved outside then it will flower when its mature enough.
1993stoner: That's interesting... is that true all the time for outdoor growing and only outdoor grows? Whats the difference with inside SOG grows where you can go straight into 12/12 right after rooting?


Active Member
There is a trick to get your plants to flower in the spring by starting them indoors under 24 hour light and then putting them outside as early as possible. Where I live that is about April 15th. You can just search the average date of last freeze for your area.

I don't actually recommend this technique. I discovered it on accident one year. It will compromise your yeild and cause other problems and your plants may revert to veg stage when days get longer.