First Grow


Well-Known Member
During my youth while I was investing in wine women and song I smoked wreckreationally. I knew it stopped nausea. Had cancer surgery five years ago and was having a recurrence this year. Radiation was the protocol. Knowing I was gonna get beamed and get the side effects I planted a pakalolo to use and got a mmj card.
I’ve always gardened well and figured I’d take advantage of the long summer light here and do it outdoors. A friend gave me 5 feminized seeds he got from BC Bud Depot. They were in one package he labeled BC Mango, Northern Lights. I planted one seed, 4/20, along with my garden seedlings under t5 grow lights. Transplanted it into really rich organic compost I make. Moved it outdoors to a choice location all the while hoping it would be female. As it matured a grower was able to tell me yes, it was a lady, it’s root bound, and it won’t flower out here. He cut some clones for me.
I got a dual hid 400w light. I prepped a room and moved her inside on 12/12 a week ago. She was 5’ tall so I took a chance and gently splinted the top over so all the tops were close in height. I’ve got a small tent on the way to keep the clone as a mother and germ another seed.

I’ve really been enjoying this. I’ve made a butt load of mistakes and learned some too. She’s seen temp swings from a high of 80 to a low of 45. Had almost 24hr light during solstice. Been wilted twice. Spent all last weekend in the dark cause I had f-ed up the timer settings. She was root bound awhile too. Didn’t cull the lower branches. Never used ferts until last week, relied on the compost, now it’s 1/2 mix of 9-45-15 every 3rd water.

I’m amazed at how tough and resilient it is. Her current home is pretty good, it’s what I could manage short notice. Nice light and good control of it, decent air movement with a fan, temp gets to 78 at night and cools to 72 by morning. I’m working on some kind of reflector to put around it to make use of all the light. I’m told odor’s gonna be intense soon, I may charcoal filter the air in that room.

I have a couple questions... I noticed some yellow on the interior of the small fan leaves after it was dark 2 nights and it appears to be resolving, any concerns? What kind of plant do you think it is? It looks sativa to me, tall, lanky, thin leaves. Any educated guesses as to how long this thing will take to flower and mature from now? How much bigger might it get and can I keep gently training it as needed? Fert suggestions? Filter suggestions? Thanks


Looks Sativa but I have hybrid plants that show more of the long leaves. I would guess there's a good % in there. Sorry if I missed how long on flower. Usually sativas usually like to stretch. I top mine about 10days in and Xmas tree them at 14. Read in a htimes and loved results since. I'm a surviver as well congrats.


Defiantly sativa, say 70% sativa 30% indica from my opinion. My plants im growing are the opposite which is why i can say it with confidence. typical flowering stages are 8 weeks, give or take a week.


Well-Known Member
Somethings happening to her, seems fairly rapid too. Spent from may 25 to aug 31 outside. Saw a couple pistils. Due to expected lo temps, 40, brought her inside, to a closet for two days in the dark. Then she had two days just catching ambient light in the house. Last tue. got the room and lite set up and moved her there. In the last 8 days I'm seeing good changes!IMG_2099.JPG


Well-Known Member
She's moved in and comfortable and all seems well. I would appreciate knowledgeable input.
Aside from very lush compost, rainwater, moderate temps, and near constant sunlight, she's been self sufficient. Simple.
I noticed some yellow tiger stripes inside some leaves and some very end leaf tips are upturned and brown.
My reading indicates potassium, magnesium or mangenese deficiency. The New Jim Jones, don't drink the koolaid, rui, posted photo's, thank you very much. It looks like mine.
I am extra careful with water and nutes are new to her. Have given two very scant feedings of 9-45-15 and the difference is striking. Dull green leaves are turning vibrant again. Most of the yellow tiger stripes are gone. Continue with lite ferts?IMG_2117.jpgIMG_2115.jpg


Well-Known Member
All's still well. These pics are from tonight. Just 2 weeks of 12/12 light and controlled temps. I did notice pistils the middle of August. Lite ferts helped. My best educated guess being shes exhausted the food supply and is hungry I fed it some ff IMG_2133.jpgIMG_2134.jpgIMG_2136.jpgIMG_2139.JPGgrow big and it helped even more, less yellowing, more vibrant. Once she looks normal healthy again I think flowering ferts are in order. PH isn't ideal- 7 with paper tests but it's working. Glad I only gave one plant a test run. Attention to the details seems real important. Also seen from the abuse/neglect that these are one tough resilient plant and can take a lot.


Well-Known Member
Three weeks now of 12/12 light. Still shooting up. Hope that slows soon. Pistils becoming abundant. Takes 2 quarts of water every 2 days, damp to dry. Using ff flower nutes every other water. Seems that has improved health. I can count 30 terminal buds. Beginning to look like it'll yield something good.



Well-Known Member
New home is 6 1/2 gal. Seem to have gotten nutes worked out. She's turning beastly and figure there's still a long ways to go. May just get a couple decent cola's and lots of popcorn, idk. Live and learn. It's a fun ride.



Well-Known Member
Wasn't home to see five weeks, tender was. This is six weeks of flower, looks like still along ways to go. Stretch appears mostly done, only went vertical one inch in two weeks. Noticable pistil growth and fattening. Clone seems ok too.



Active Member
Keep up the good work, it's a hell of a learning curve hey? Thank god for RIU and the helpful people here. Keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement! Hell of a learning curve and challenge. Fun and hopefully rewarding. RIU members help alot.


Well-Known Member
Seven weeks of flower. No more vertical growth. Very few pistils have turned straw colored. Supported the stems, they started flopping over. Smell isn't loud but changed to "sharp". Six months since seed. Didn't imagine I'd be attached at the hip this long. Trusted grower declared Sativa, remain patient and vigilant. I can do that.

Clone has a home and seems healthy too. I'm digging this indoor gardening.



Well-Known Member
Wasn't home to see five weeks, tender was. This is six weeks of flower, looks like still along ways to go. Stretch appears mostly done, only went vertical one inch in two weeks. Noticable pistil growth and fattening. Clone seems ok too.
WOW! Great job, came a long way from the first pics!


Well-Known Member
At eight weeks a majority of the pistils are straw color, some darker. Fan leaves are yellowing and withering. Small leaves in the buds still look fairly good. Calyxes are noticeable to me now. This plant seems to be "dying" more than maturing. I'm envious of the harvests I see with the plant still looking vibrant, healthy, green. I'm seeing more crystals develop and to my eye, with a loupe, they are still clear. I think at this point it will be a compromise between the plants health/dis-ease and maturity for a harvest time. It's coming soon I think. I've found it simple to veg healthy and challenging to flower healthy.



Well-Known Member
Nine weeks. Ugh! She's still limping along. Seeing more developed crystals/trichs. Glittering more. Experienced grower looked it over-not the greatest health but bud development is legit. Yield looks to be decent. Take it easy and finish her. +/- 4 more weeks in his opinion. I'm ready for the next phase of this adventure.