First grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys on my first grow. One plant 1 week old, 2 plants 3 days old, Still waiting for the other 9 to pop, If they even do! I'm testing three different soil mixtures see what works for me. Had to repot the week old one and lower the light due to stretching. I'm using mystery seeds, Gotta start somewhere and I'm scared as hell buying online so I have to research before that happens. I will post pics in a couple hours for some reason they wont upload I think they are to big I will resize and upload. Kinda fun wondering what they will look like in flower! Hopefully get one female so I can make a mother plant if the end product is any good. Straight up mystery here.


Well-Known Member
Room temp drops to 75 degrees and maxes at 81 degrees humidity stays right around 50 percent still waiting on ph strips to test my water :(


Well-Known Member
your water is fine if you live in a developed area and have municipal water, i bet. i collect rain-water. let your water sit out for 24 hours and then test.


Well-Known Member
The one seed cap did come off and the two that are smaller or 2 days old they grew a bit these pics are from yesterday. btw this setup is just to start them they will be going under led's in much better room!


Well-Known Member
okay..........too wet. and is that a fertilizer spike in that pot? if it is......get it out. nice, clean little set-up. that one seedling looks a little deformed. no more water for now, imo.


Well-Known Member
The one seed cap did come off and the two that are smaller or 2 days old they grew a bit these pics are from yesterday. btw this setup is just to start them they will be going under led's in much better room! Ok will go pull the nut stick out and hold off on watering the soil that the one is in that you are refering to is just topsoil doesnt drain well. Thanks much for your input dont want these babys dieing on me


Well-Known Member
Here's an update one is a little runted the other one finally shed its shell. The bigger one is 10 days old the other two are 4 days old. 4 days old.jpg9 days old.jpg4 days old also.jpg Still waiting on 8 more to pop but I don't think they are going to it's been a week and a half since planting. :( Oh well just crossing fingers for one healthy female!


Well-Known Member
I ordered some feminized seeds but waiting for cistern setup and this test grow before i waste good seeds. Small update today one plant is 10 days old the other 2 are 6 days old one is looking pretty sickly so i transplanted to better grow medium. I think it had to much perlite in it. other one that is 6 days old looks like its stretching so put it on a riser. will post pics in a minute then off to work on my cistern room tutorial.


Well-Known Member
10 days old.jpg10 days old (2).jpg6 days old.jpg6 days old (2).jpgsick six days old.jpgsick 6 days old 2.jpg
Any issues spotted please let me know these are two pics of each plant the third on just transplanted yesterday to new medium was struggling with other medium i believe to much perlite. feedback and constructive criticism welcomed. first grow learning the ropes before I waste good feminized seeds!


Well-Known Member
One is still deformed hoping it snaps out of it I'm just going to keep letting it grow and see what happens one needs to be transplanted because of stretching and one looks like its doing well after transplant. I added an extra light and stopped over watering and they seem to really like that13 days (2).jpg13 days.jpgSAM_0196.jpgSAM_0197.jpg


Well-Known Member
My one baby is two weeks old today :) the two smaller ones are the same age as each other the deformed one looks like its bouncing back after i switched soil and moved it closer to the light. heres pics. It's my first grow so I'm just happy to see a couple growing and learn from this grow!



Well-Known Member
Nobody seems interested in this thread so I will just post final outcome shots (If they come lol) and if one of these turns out to be female knowing my luck the one thriving is gonna be a male hahah.