First grow.


Well-Known Member
personally i'd leave the smaller buds, especially if it's your first grow, might as well see how youre WHOLE plant comes out you no? that's what I did my 1st go-round. Good luck man
What can I do to make the buds bigger next time. I started these plants in a dwc and they started looking bad. So, I just put them into a pots of soil to save them and all I had lying around were one gallon pots. I had three but the other one didn't make it. Will bigger pots make bigger buds?
The buds on my plants look so small when I see the pics of other plants. They look like balls of hair.Popcorn, I guess you call it. Will they stretch out and get longer like the ones I see on here with time? The Super Silver Haze's cola is getting longer and slowing starting to stretch. Should I add more nutes to their water or what? I know I sound like I dont know crap about cannabis. But hey, that's what this site is for, right?

Edit: Nevermind. I looked up some pictures on google of 3-4 weeks flowering and I guess my plants look about how they are suppose too. I guess Im getting a bit antsy. Doh!!
After reading a bit, I now know that autoflowers do not need to be changed to a 12 12 cycle. The purple plant is an autoflower. Maybe, this is why the bud is small?? Should I keep it on the 12 12 cycle now or change back to the 18 6 cycle for the remainder of flowering? DAMN! Im ready for my next grow!!! After finding this site, I feeling like Dr GreenThumb.


Well-Known Member
what are you doing lol, changing light cycles, changing from dwc to soil ect is all stressful. Next grow, maybe decide on a medium , ie a nice soil mix, transplant once, let them veg, longer veg, train, better light bigger pot bigger roots = bigger yields bro
Lol, I know. I should've found this site before trying. But now I know. I bought a cabinet online for a DWC and tried it. They looked good in the beginning but after a 2 weeks the leaves started drying out so I said to hell with hydro. I didnt order any autos this time so I won't have to be concerned with that, next time. The auto is waist high I had to move it from the cabinet to my closet when I started flowering it. LOL
That looks perfect! One thing I think I messed up on is the lights were in the top of the cabinet during veg and it made the plant really tall and skinny. You keep the light close to the plant to make the short and bushy like that, right?
My lights were like 2-3 ft away. LoL. I dont really have the money to spend on new lights right now. With the holidays coming up. But I have a huge fluorescent hood plug in. Not sure what they are called but you know the reflector hood thing that you plug a fluorescent tube into for like a mechanic shop. Id say its about 4-5 ft. and holds two tubes. Do you think that would be better than the three Fluorescent light bulbs I am using now?


Well-Known Member
I ran a round of 4 auto freebies, and I think it was a Super cheese candy or something that was ok (it looked nice but still didn't really get you high.. like a 5.5 or 6/10,) but never again personally. They really aren't any easier to run and just didn't smoke as good personally, but to each their own and I'm not trying to hate on you just giving you my experience.

Also, with CFLs you can generally only do so much. I know there have been a few really great CFL grows, but they were often with ridiculous amounts of bulbs.

So when you add those two factors together, I think you're actually not doing too bad for your first grow. You're on track to get some bud as long as you don't mess it up. Good luck!
Thanks for the input cherry. I thought autos just finished growing faster and didnt get very tall. I now know what autos are all about.
I'm getting me some more light bulbs this weekend for my cabinet and starting a 1 plant grow and Im going balls to the wall with it. I have a Cherry bomb seed I was saving. I was going to wait on some seeds i ordered and add one or two to it but after seeing the mainlining technique, Im going to go with that. And if I mess up, I got more seeds coming. Thank you Critical!