First Grow


Well-Known Member
Basically this is going to be my first grow an i just have a question.
I am Purchasing
1 250w blue spectrum CFL
1 225 red spectrum CFL
A Fan
A Light timer.

Is it possible to plug all of this into one surge protector that is plugged into my wall socket?

I am growing in a 2x3 foot room that is 10feet high., a closet in my bedroom.

so thats why I'm going with the CFL's
only going to do 2or3 Plants so I'm thinking it should all work out.
I was just confused on if it can all be plugged in same surge protector.
Thanks in advance for answers :)


Well-Known Member
as long as you have a surge protector,then u will be fine,very smart idea goin with cfls for ur first,theyre awesome and amazing,so low on elec them.

ps u get a rep point for thinking b4 acting unlike alota ppl


Well-Known Member
thanks for fast reply :)
awesome so surge protector it is. yea i seen that they saved money on electric and also fits well in closet. just need to find a place to buy them around here.. lol
i noticed you live in similar area as me, you should let me in on a few places that you buy your equipment :) hehe
thanks again


Well-Known Member
i order online its alot easier,i dont bother wit grow shops bc,cops take notice and will eventually track u down and bust u.


Well-Known Member
Both ligths combinded are just over 4.3 amps. Most plugs can handle 15 amps so unless you plug in some 10 amp wind master you will be ok.


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