first grow


Active Member
arg. my plant has been completley dismantled by red ants. they have a nice nest now though. its set me back a stage. im currently making a small greenhouse. using the same seeds. Take 2


Active Member
sorry about the late reply, been on holiday. apparently if you don't have them indoors for too long they dont accustom to the good conditions, so they dont get much shock. i also used hormone rooting powder which dramatically increases root growth, inmproving the chance of survival. im currently germinating 3 seeds of the same strain, which im growing outdoors from the start. im growing them in a massive bell jar :mrgreen: hopefully it will work this time.
bought half an ounce the other day :)


Well-Known Member
looks good i just put mine outside i would have keep it in longer but my mom made me put it out side hopefully the weather doesnt get bad


Active Member
put 3 germinated seeds out few days ago, under a big glass bell jar. i can just hope. its getting late in the season now, so if it does yeild, it probably wont be much. fingers crossed
off the topic, but i hotboxed a tent last nite :mrgreen: