first grow


Well-Known Member
ok this is my first grow and im doing it outdoors in a pot it gets about 3 to 4 hours of light everyday its 8 or 9 day old and i was wondering if it looked alright
this is the 2 day it been outside i had it indoors for awhile under a 25 watt cfl until my mom made me move it outside


Well-Known Member

u need more light than that. that plant should have AT LEAST 18 hours of light a day if ur going to veg. u could get away with 12 hours of light, 12 dark if u want to flower.

good job its outside now, it will get more light than 4 hours, lol!


Well-Known Member
yeah i know that when i had it inside i was giving it 24hrs of light until i moved it outside
and i was wondering when growth will speed up


Well-Known Member
well it depends. now uve moved it outside?

i dunno where u live but it should start growing soon as it will have atleast 18 hours of light. well, where i am it would.


Well-Known Member
yeah i moved it outside yeah it should get about that but what do i do if bugs attack what can i use to get rid of them something all natural preferably and its july right now when do you think it will be ready to harvest


Well-Known Member
ok so when is the harvest time in Oregon and what fertilizers are recommended
and something for bugs thats organic


Well-Known Member
you need to pick a spot for your kid and leave it.......the irregularities in light scheduale and atmosphere can stress a plant and stop growth.....its a little late in the season to plant out sdie but if you put it out now you are looking for a late october early november harvest depending on the strain.....


Well-Known Member
yeah i already left it where its going to grow in behind a shed where nobody can see it
and yeah that kind of when i thought id be harvesting what is the average yield of outdoor bud and about how tall do you think it will get


Well-Known Member
it really varies on strain.......but a full outdoor grow will yeild around qp per plant easily and its not uncommon to get a lb per plant if you know what you are doing....but that is assuming you started in april.....starting this late wont give your plant to veg to its full potential....but you still have about another month and a half to veg so you could come away with around a 1/4 to a 1/2oz...with proper care and alot...ask questions.and be cant rush nature....


Well-Known Member
ok but what about bugs what do i do if i get an infestion this early its steal in the seedling stage and i was wanting to know about when it will start full veg growth its 9 days old and the temp is pretty hot out right now its in the 90s right now and its suppose to get to 101 on Sunday and i know thats way to much heat for how small it is
i was woderinng what i should do when temps get high like this


Well-Known Member
ok but what about bugs what do i do if i get an infestion this early its steal in the seedling stage and i was wanting to know about when it will start full veg growth its 9 days old and the temp is pretty hot out right now its in the 90s right now and its suppose to get to 101 on Sunday and i know thats way to much heat for how small it is
i was woderinng what i should do when temps get high like this
keep an eye on your plant and keep an eye out for spots on your leaves...most of the time you should be o.k.....i like to sprinkle some corys slug and snail repellant around the plants....if you do get an infestation then first identify the bug and there are plenty of solutions to creepy crawlys on this for the heat..just make sure you keep the soil moist...not drenched...moist...plants can take high heat outside better than indoors....outdoors has tons of co2 to aid in the breathing process...:joint:


Well-Known Member
ok and could i use a pesticide around my pot to keep bugs away and i saw i red spider mite trying to get on my plant when i went and checked it so hopefully it didnt lay any egss im pretty sure it did if it did then im going to have fun trying to get rid of them


Well-Known Member
ok i put a barrier of pesticide around my pot i used ortho indoor /outdoor perimeter defense so hopefully that will give it enough protection from creepy crawlers but anything that flys will still be able to get to it so now all i have to do is find something thats safe to use on my seedling any suggestions of what to use?


Well-Known Member
and this is what the pesticide protects my plant from Ants*, Asian lady beetle, Black widow spider, Brown recluse spider, Box elder bugs, Carpet beetles, Carpenter ants, Centipedes, Clover mites, Confused flour beetle, Crickets*, Daddy long legs spider, Earwigs, Fire ants, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Granary weevil, Grasshopper, Hobo spider, Houseflies, Indian meal moth, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Pantry pests, Pill bugs, Red flour beetle, Rice weevil, Roaches, Saw-toothed grain beetle, Scorpions*, Silverfish, Sow bugs, Spiders*, Ticks and i did not spray it directly on my plant because this is the stuff that last 12 months and it would probably kill my plant


Active Member
about lowryder height... using cfl's lightning ,, does the plant grows taller if the light is way above so the plant trying to reach for the light,, or the closer the light the taller they get cause light absorbencies are more efficient .
¿? thanks... does taller plant means more places to grow bud ¿?
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Well-Known Member
yeah if the light is far away but you don't want to do that because it will make the stem weak and it will possible fall over you usually want to keep it within two inches of the plant you will get more bud if its closer but not to close


Well-Known Member
well that with cfls anyway and fluros if you anything stronger two inches would be to close what type of weed are you growing