first grow


So i haven't seen any growth in the leaves for 4 days now. They are now 3 weeks old is this normal. I also have concerns that my plants are not where they needs to be at 3 weeks old.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Well, a couple of pictures are worth thousands of words and more information on your method of growing will allow for those who grow similarly to you to chime in. Good luck.


I use 3 led grow light its 120w all together fox farm ocean floor potting soil the first two are in two 3 gallon smart pots and the others will be going in the same tomorrow. Its all set up in a small closet with a small fan blowing and Im currently running a 18 6 light cycle


Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
First, I recommend never using clear cups again. Roots do not like light.

Second, how long ago did you transplant into the 3 gallon pot? They can take up to a week or more to recover.

Third, do you ph your water before using it?

Plants look ok overall. Just try not to overwater them. Also, when you check them everyday, it can be harder to see growth. Good luck and let me know if you see them growing again.


Ok thanks for the advise i transplanted 3 days ago now so that could be it then. Also i do Ph my water to 5.8 to 6 range i use Ph up and Ph down. I try not to over water i water only once a week or so i wait till the soil is nice and brown and the container is light before i water but i do have a humidifier i have running constantly cause in my closet i can only avg a 20% humidity without it.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Ok. You have a good watering schedule. You can actually ph up to 6.5-6.8 for soil. The lower ph is for hydro. Watch them for a few more days. If you have any more issues or questions, I'll do my best to help you.


Well-Known Member
that is all good advice,also when you water in a bigger pot with a smaller plant, try to just water the plant not the whole pot so you can water them 2 or 3 times a week I bet they will like that better


Yea I did that and your right they loved it I seen massive growth in the leaves and the stem is finally getting stiff. But it seems to need watered again but I just watered 2 days ago and a lil yesterday and it seems to need it again. Should I wait a day even when the soil feels dry or should I just keep watering it.


Well-Known Member
I'm by no means an expert ,but I have always watered when the top inch was dry and sometimes they had to wait a bit longer when I'm out of town working,IMO you have some leeway there,you brought them this far you'll get a feel for it and they most certainly aren't gonna die from lack of water in 1 day

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Well that's good it's growing faster so it should be ok. If it's still drooping in a couple days then post again and we'll do our best to help you with a diagnosis.


So everything is going good but I had a power outage over the weekend only light I could give them till now is through the window. So question is can I go back to my 24 light cycle?