First grow

is your cooltube also connected to your outake? :o
sorry i meant the other guy :lol:
Was going to ask the same thing.

Try your best to stay below 82ish F.
Below 80 is best.

These girls would start to taco in about 15 min above that.

And like others said. Just keep an eye on it and don't worry about growth.
It will happen quick.

These are 3 different strains of autos.

3 days shy of only 1 month old.
I started growing in June.
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surely there are some weedzard here who can tell you more about strains and temp compatibility. unfortunenately i not one of those... still please send a pic of your cab then we can philosophize more :bigjoint:
can you send a pic of it? i had my first also in a closet but was a total failure, ended up with six plants which reached only 4 inches in height and just one tiny headbutt each... i guess the reason for that was that combination of overfeeding, airventilation and temperature
Ya don't feed seedlings for the first 2 WEEKS. So.. let's talk about the light.
don't over water her. it's ez to over water. when watering, aim around the plant to stimulate the roots outward
water every 3-4 1/2 days(ish) around the plant, just enough water to where the plant can access water if it needs it, but not so much water that it's sitting damp for more than 2 days...

don't over water her. it's ez to over water. when watering, aim around the plant to stimulate the roots outward
water every 3-4 1/2 days(ish) around the plant, just enough water to where the plant can access water if it needs it, but not so much water that it's sitting damp for more than 2 days...

Yeah I’ve only watered twice, been keeping the soil pretty dry
sorry i meant the other guy :lol:
Separate intake/fan/exhaust from tent system.

Intake on right, exhaust left and top of tent.

If you mean light on the right, it's a 315W CMH in a batwing reflector.

No need for venting...

Definitely upgrading to a yield master for it to though...
Should be fun trying to fit them + venting inside :)
Will probably upgrade to one 440 cfm 6" exhaust fan too with booster if needed.

Light on left is a 600W MH.
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Also, for the OP.

Here are my girls when they first started.
Notice the date on the picture.
Almost 1 ft tall now in 26 days.

Like I said, they'll grow quickly :)
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actually these are begging for something

i think OP doesn't have a light issue

Marry u think mine begging for more intense light? Im under LEDs but think they r kinda low alrdy , about 16" above, ive noticed that mine stretching up, but now stopped and leaves getting bigger, rest of stuff in ranks, ph 6.0, nutes on 0.6ec, watering once a day untill runoff 10%. Help if missing something :)
Too much light
sorry he's totally right 600w hps at 18" above are too much. i guess you're more expirienced then i am which i'm totally sure you are (:
Definitely upgrading to a yield master for it to though...
Should be fun trying to fit them + venting inside :)
Will probably upgrade to one 440 cfm 6" exhaust fan too with booster if needed.

Light on left is a 600W MH.
yeah that would be very interesting to know if that would work 8-)
so I think she was definitely too hot brought the temp down to 25 degrees and looks happier
in which pot did you put her in? if you start in a bigger pot (5gal+) straight away it'll take anyway longer that foliage developement accures at the beginning.