first GT grow

this is my first mushroom grow and everything seems to be going well. I just wanted to posts a few pics and get some constructive feedback if possible. Thanks.

BTW i plan to post a full grow journal when they are finished.

P8190587.jpg P8190588.jpgP8190590.jpg

thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
Looks good! Are you going to take any prints? Are you goin to try for a 2nd flush? I have some Ereal's colonizing right now, cant wait!
First I inoculated the rye grain jar that came with the MYG grow kit, then moved it to shredded straw, and finally into the soil casing layer.

This morning I was able to harvest a few and get a pretty nice print, but thanks to an uneven pinset I'll be pickin every few hours today lol.
