First HARVEST 1 plant, 88days, 400 w, 3 ounces


Well-Known Member
well done that many oz dry that is amazing off a 400 watt
what strain has to be big buddy or ww got to be indica

i got a 600w over mine i fimmed and topped also but you obviously did a better job than i although ill try and post pics of mine in a couple days see what you think

im grw arjans strawberry haze and big bang

quite a few tops around 7 each and some lower chunky sites

what size pots did you use co2:weed:

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
thanks bro ! thats my fav picture too ! ... rite before i started raping her tops ;)

i got 2 new bushes in the works man ,.... that ive been topping for the past month
im working on suppercroppin them now to get the tops level... should have 20 tops each ... ill take some pics 2nite
how do you supercrop them to have multiply tops like that man???


Active Member
I Like the idea of tying the branches to the pots outside edge, must aid in light penetration to the lower branches.
Think ill try that this weekend, thanks for the idea.

Nice grow by the way.


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU !bongsmilie
My first grow results !
Started about 10 seedlings , burned 7
was left with 3, 2 of which were male ... the other plant was just harvested today !
On another note, after i burned 7 i planted another 10
Only 2 of those ended up female (they will be coming down in a week or 2)


Here is my first harvest plant !:weed:
bag seed
vegged about: 25 days
flowered : 88 days 12.5 weeks
400w HPS
Fimmed once, a little bit of LST

here is my journal if you want to see it all !

here is her life story








and she started getn buds chopped off after this so not as pretty


1-21 HARVEST .... (the rest of the plant;) )

Will post back with the final weight :):joint:

over 40grams DRY has already been smoked off this plant.... i felt the need .. the need for WEED!! :leaf:
Beautiful Post... :clap:

Awesome Plant... :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey nice grow man im currently working on my first grow, may i ask how tall your plant grew before harvest.
