First harvest, Blue dream. flushing nutrients.


Active Member
What is the ideal ppm to give plants a week before harvest? i usually get 18-30 ppm RO water from the grocery store but that's far at the moment. Can i give it Crystal Geyser, which is 60-80 ppm to flush the nutrients out so the smoke doesn't taste like plant food?

Also, I notice that people say there is usually a 7 day window when the trichomes are mostly cloudy white which is when i want to harvest, and it takes 5-7 days of flushing to get rid of the plant food. How can i time these so that i harvest when the trichomes are all cloudy and the nutrients have been flushed.


Active Member
you don't have to flush before you harvest. buds don't retain nutrients. idk anything about PPM. what is RO water? it doesn't matter much what kind of water it is as long as the pH is proper.


Active Member
I would stop fertilizing 7-10days b4 harvest. Latent nute accumulation in foliage can impart a fertilizer like taste. If you do continue to nute them I would use something like final slush which will speed up flushing out the built up chems.

RO=run off water.

as far as the timing thing goes..... that you will more than likely have to learn on your own as each plant and strain is different. i suggest taking notes so that next time you are dialed in.


RO=run off water.

R.O.=... reverse osmosis water

The crystal geyser water will be fine, I just use r.o. with my weekly nute regimen and I flush with plain ol tap water for 14days before harvest. I use to flush with r.o. but did a side by side test and couldnt tell the difference.

About the timming that just comes with experience on growing that strain, first time around will be a guess, figure out when other ppl are chopping there blue dreams so u have something to go by id guess there about 70day trees so id start on day 56 to flush if thats the case. But keep notes this time and note when u think things are changing and you can adjust accordingly next crop.


Active Member
Yeah i meant reverse osmosis water and thanks, i'll keep record of flowering cycles. This advice has been helpful.