First harvest coming to an end


Hey people of roll it up. I haven't been posting lately so I thought I would ask a question. I just harvested my first plant ( have 2 more to go) yesterday. I was wondering what's the best way to quickly dry a gram or two just to see how the high is. I have read shit tons of articles of different ways to do it but a lot of them say it will decrease potency.( beats the point right?) how do yall do it? Any help is appreciated. The rest is going to dry and cure properly.


Well-Known Member
60 second intervals in the microwave until dry. Tastes like straw, but gives a half decent indication of the high. (Oo! My microwave just beeped for that very reason ;) Testing my Lemon Bud out at this very moment...really! :)


Well-Known Member
60 second intervals in the microwave until dry. Tastes like straw, but gives a half decent indication of the high. (Oo! My microwave just beeped for that very reason ;) Testing my Lemon Bud out at this very moment...really! :)
Dont microwaves degrade the thc? I was always told to stay well clear of the microwave when I was cooking with weed


Well-Known Member
Yup! It does a bit, but I'm smoking some now that's doing the job. I figure if it works now, it can only be better when dried and cured properly.
If you want to take a bit more time then try a jar with holes punched in the lid, placed in the sun. Should take a couple of hours.
All the speedy ways to dry out a little aren't that good tbh...but needs must sometimes...


Well-Known Member
Yup! It does a bit, but I'm smoking some now that's doing the job. I figure if it works now, it can only be better when dried and cured properly.
If you want to take a bit more time then try a jar with holes punched in the lid, placed in the sun. Should take a couple of hours.
All the speedy ways to dry out a little aren't that good tbh...but needs must sometimes...
Well fair play then I guess, id still go with the sun though providing its even strong enough in the uk to dry anything


Well-Known Member
the sun is the way to go if u wanna quick dry weed... if u want quick dried bud in a minute, then use the microwave. But try 20s intervals instead it dries very quickly


Well-Known Member
Yeah, go with the sun...And good luck finding it, it's certainly not in my part of the UK :wall:


I ended up cutting a little bud up and putting it under a 60 watt incandescent bulb and it actually worked. It took about 2 hours and I stirred it every 15 to 30 minutes. Tastes like the smell of fresh cut grass but I got high


If cured correctly most, if not all, of the "green" smell will be gone....
Sweet... I have a little computer fan blowing under the buds in a cupboard. How many days do you think it will take to dry? I didn't get as much bud as I wanted but for my first grow I learned a lot.image.jpg