First Harvest Ever!!


Active Member
Heres the specs:
Fllora Nova Grow and Bloom
Bud Candy
vegged for 6 weeks
flowered for 8 weeks (All trichomes cloudy)
under CFL's (about 800W equivalency to incandescent)

Harvested the 2 plants in the white pots, and the bigger one of the left. The other ones are not ready yet.

Hung them up to dry just now. Man I am so stoked right now, I took the scizzors I used to trim them and heated them up with a blowtoarch till all the resin started to smoke. Fuck yeah.

To bad I have to wait another month till I can smoke the buds.

I just want to say thank you to this site and everybody who contributes to it. Without you I still could have done it, but it wouldn't have turned out near as well as it did lol.

Any estimates on final yield?



Well-Known Member
an ounce or two probally, maybe 2 1/2-3 but i doubt it, they(buds) shrink an awful lot by the time they are done drying. usually the dry weight is about 1/4-1/3 of the wet weight.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
70g dry just a geuss, after uv dried it have a lil smoke see how it tastes then cure. Nice work looks good for a first harvest. What strain(s) are they?


Active Member
wow alo of electricity cost and labor and time for 2 ounces haha but nice first grow 800watts wow, i heard of people who pulled a pound with just 400 watts.


Active Member
2 OZ would be sick I hope I get that much.

The bigger plant was called Jungle Wreck I got it from and the otehr plants were just some seeds out of some really good schwag.

Ive had it in the dryer box for 2 days now and its shrunk up a lot but I bet ill still have at least an ounce.