First Harvest has begun!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what strains as i got the seeds from my father in law (any ideas welcome), The soil was basic potting soil with a pretty low nutes level, nutes were added about 1 month into grow every 3 or 4 days the brand was BioCanabium with a 10-7-9 ratio of NPK until flower. During flower used Molasses. Veg time was a good few months as it was an outside grow can't remember how long exactly but think they were started in May started to flower midway to end of august. With regards to neighbors, yeah they can see them but I am in Spain where it is legal to grow weed for personal consumption so no issues there.


Active Member
"With regards to neighbors, yeah they can see them but I am in Spain where it is legal to grow weed for personal consumption so no issues there."

wow, Spain. Did you need a prescription, or some kind of ID that you carry for legality? What's the personal consumption amount? I had no idea Spain was so progressive in this area. That's so cool !.!


Well-Known Member
my buddy just came back from a trip there to see his brother. brought back 10 new strains. can't wait to see these babies!!!


Well-Known Member
There is no requirement to have ID or prescriptions it is open for the general public to grow weed for personal consumption. They have some of the toughest laws against selling etc, but for personal use your free to grow as much as you like, within reason. My father in law grows around 10 plants about the same size as my ones and a few bigger even with no problems. From my terrace this year i could see 3 other growers.


Well-Known Member
I should note it depends where you are in Spain as to how relaxed they are. In Barcelona for example where I am it is totally accepted whilst Madrid is slightly less tolerant of it terms of larger quantities. But who would want to live in Madrid, Spain is nothing without La Playa.


Well-Known Member
Some interesting reading there, along with what look to be very nice plants. I can now understand why so many English decide to move to Spain. Nice going man +rep


Well-Known Member
So just snipped the uds ready for curing from the smaller plants's harvest! Looking good and smoking surprisingly smooth already :D


Active Member
Spain in def next on my travel list...can you smoke in public too???

Looks like those are Pliers you're using for trimming...can you get spring loaded Fiskars there???