First harvest questions

Ok, So since this is my first grow I really have no clue what to expect.
I left my house over the weekend, and when I returned almost every single one of my buds had grown quite a bit. Which is awesome, but I was about to start flushing this week.
So my question. Hydro system, 2x 400 watt HPS. Week 7 of flower. Are they suppose to still be growing so much? I know to get the microscope and look around. But shouldn't they be getting close? And when its time to harvest, how long does it normally take for the buds to dry out while they are hanging out? Week, 2 weeks?
The first 3 pics I tried to show the new growth. And the last 3 pics, Just thought I would share for the hell of it. Don't laugh at all the newbie mistakes. I had major problems with heat, and one of the colas had an accident.
Thanks for the help in advance. I won't be able to check your replies until this evening.


Ok so do I need to give it the usual strengths ferts? And why does some of the smaller branches look ready? Can I harvest one branch at a time or is that stressful and I just need to do a plant at a time?


Well-Known Member
You can pick one of the lowest/smallest buds on the plant to sample... From your post, i'm guessing you've only flushed once, if that so be prepared for a possible harsh, chemical taste.. Any outdoor crop i've used nutes and picked some of the smaller buds before any real flushing/harvest, they were harsh and had a slight chemical taste...

I wouldn't get yourself down though if it's not up to your standards... another week or two of growing and the drying/curing process will probably atleast double the potency of it..
In this first picture, What are the whiteish things coming out of the bud. They look to big to be the hairs. It looks like something is blooming out of the bud. And I know this is a stupid ass question, but does the bud in the last two pics look ready?



Well-Known Member
Those are pollen sacs, my man. They are the product of a hermaphrodite plant. If/when they open up, they will send pollen to all those new white hairs (pistils) and your plants will switch from making bud to making seeds.

I would have let those plants finish for another couple of weeks, but some of those pollen sacs seem ready to blow. Get them out of the room if you can. If all the plants are showing hermie traits, you might just allow them to finish. But definitely remove the hermie plant from the room if the condition is localized to one plant.
hermies are still smokable right? I think maybe 2 or 3 (out of 7) are hermies then, if that one is. How do I know for sure they are hermies so I can get them out? Can I just chop them down and harvest them today?


Well-Known Member
Hermies are still smoke-able, just not as potent as a pure sensimilla. Hermies have those banana looking pods that come out of the flowers. The bananas eventually "peel" open and release their pollen. It looks like some in the picture are close to releasing, if they have not already. Once the pollen is released, the plant will focus on creating seeds for the rest of its time. I would cut the hermies and dry them in a separate location. Pollen spreads easily, so keep it as far away from your grow as possible. Check your plants over well, there my be more hermies than you think.