First Harvest


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to put some pics up of my first harvest. I plan on doing 8 next time but only harvested 2 this time. I just completed my flower room and these were grown under a lot of stress, fluxation in temperature, low co2 levels, inconsistent nutrient feedings, the list goes on. My next grow will be done way better... but all things considered I don't think they turned out all that bad. What do you think?


Since I have no idea what strain they are I just refer to them as the short one and the tall one lol...

Wet Weight:

Short (with stems): 4oz 4.3g

Tall (with stems): 5oz 2.8g


I left the stems in to make it easier to hang them to cure. Will be interesting to see how much weight is left once they dry and the stems are removed... If what people are telling me is true about it usually losing 1/2 its weight, I'm guesstimating that it'll be around 1.5 oz (short) and 2 oz (tall)... What do you guys think?

Also, I know they look pretty leafy.. I don't have a good pair of trimmers yet and I was short on time so I just did what I could and will trim the rest later as I remove the stems (besides I've heard its good to leave some sugar leaves on until ur ready to sell/smoke, because they act as a barrier to stop trichs from falling off/getting knocked off).



Virtually Unknown Member
Good job for first time around!! Leaving leaves on in theory is ok but a pain in the ass to remove when they dry.


Well-Known Member
Next grow let them flower longer, did great except harvesting a week or 2 early.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the smoke.


Well-Known Member
Next grow let them flower longer, did great except harvesting a week or 2 early.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the smoke.
I harvested them on their 60th day of flowering. I read that depending on the strain they usually take anywhere from 40-70 days to mature during the flowering cycle. I was a little paranoid that if I waited longer some of the trichomes would start to turn amber and start losing potency. I think you're right though, or at least looking back I could have chopped the main cola and let the rest of the plant grow for another couple days-week. Also I used an MH bulb thru flowering so maybe that slowed the development, idk...


Well-Known Member
Those were a few weeks from done. Those colas would have been twice as fat. Waiting is the hardest part. They look like they were doing well though


Well-Known Member
Those were a few weeks from done. Those colas would have been twice as fat. Waiting is the hardest part. They look like they were doing well though
Twice as fat? Does the growing process really get that much faster in the last 1-2 weeks of flowering?


Well-Known Member
Watever it is now you'll lose 85% of the weight lol we did this experiment last year at the club harvest it was a 7ft skunk plant wet it was 6p some with a cola bigg as my boy head so im thinking meds,meds,meds the bitch dried up to 2p smfh krazy right


Well-Known Member
damn 85% huh.. that sucks.. Hopefully I get lucky and get at least 2oz... If I get at least 2oz I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
It's close to 10 now right ? u'll be almost there make sure u post up the finals bro it's good to know


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, some plants take 80+ days.
Those plants could've gone 75, that's just my opinion though.
If the smoke is good to you, that's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Don't look @ Trichomes on leaves to determine ripeness either...
Mostly cloudy/milky Trich. on Calyx is what your looking for strength.


Well-Known Member
from what I've heard, flowering with MH does usually lead to slightly slower development... but when they finally get there they're usually just as nice.


Well-Known Member
Follow up:

So just dried for 4 days and the stems are bending but not breaking, almost perfectly, outside of buds is dry.

I've removed the stems and weighed them again:

Dry Weight:

Short Plant: 1oz and .6g

Tall Plant: 1oz and 8.1g


Just started curing so I'm sure that weight will drop a bit... hopefully no more than 8.7g lol. But you guys guessed it pretty well. Gonna upvote those who guessed it $$