First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Active Member
I have a great idea for seed popping for you. All you need to do is to put cling (glad) wrap over those pots untill they pop. It works for me every time, keeps the moisture in and they pop real quick, as soon as they pop you take the clear wrap off. Just an idea, just had one of my seeds pop only 4 days in after planting. :-)


Well-Known Member
Well after sitting around watching for my seeds to pop, still thinking about how to lower the temperature. I figured hey why do I have this tiny fan on the ground trying to cool down the light, so I raised it up and aimed it at the light, nothing. Then I thought, damn why am I so blind, I need to push the hot air from in between the light and the pots, so I straightened out the fan and BAM! 75-77f average. So at least that problem is solved for now, until the plants get too big, then I'll upgrade to one of the 3-4ft tower fans, they are super efficient. I have no fun pictures to post so I thought I would post what I just told you lol. And yes that is a 25 cent fan doing the job :lol:



Well-Known Member
Hello, hello, hello. Didn't post this little baby but she is suppose to be a True Blue Berry seed, she sprouted a day or two ago. So I have one unknown seed doing well, one seedling didn't make, and now this true blue berry seed. Temps rose to 84 but haven't changed for days so I'm guessing that's where it will be for awhile until I figure something out. Also a fun little story, I was mowing today and in the weeds around this tree, one plant stuck out like a sore thumb. It's probably about foot and a half to two feet tall. Really big healthy leaves, pretty stretchy of course. I'm guessing it what most people call ditch weed, but I'm not positive. It was pretty exciting and for standing around empty pots and baby plants for the last week or two it's nice to see a bigger, healthy plant. Even considering trying to take some clippings from it since my closest is so empty, just for the fun of it. Well here are some pictures.


Well-Known Member
Nice find looks like a Sativa dom.Plant.
Yeah it seems like most of the wild grown stuff around here is Sativa dom, I've seen plants around 5-6ft near September - October in the past, just all of them full of seeds obviously. Think it would be worth my time trying some clippings out on this plant I found?


Well-Known Member
Here are pictures from today. First picture is Unknown #1 at Veg Day 4. The second picture is True Blue Berry at Veg Day 2. Remember these seeds are from bags so I don't know if strains that I actually name are correct.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it seems like most of the wild grown stuff around here is Sativa dom, I've seen plants around 5-6ft near September - October in the past, just all of them full of seeds obviously. Think it would be worth my time trying some clippings out on this plant I found?
Yea,Id look for signs of preflowers,and take from them.
If you not good at taking cuts be good practice,Anyway!
Bet it would be atleast 10-12 week flower,Tho.Hate to tell ya but tht soil looks terrible,Did you mention what kind it is.........


Well-Known Member
Yea,Id look for signs of preflowers,and take from them.
If you not good at taking cuts be good practice,Anyway!
Bet it would be atleast 10-12 week flower,Tho.Hate to tell ya but tht soil looks terrible,Did you mention what kind it is.........
Alright sounds good. And I have no idea what kind of soil it is and it does suck. It's mixed with some clay I think and it makes it really hard. When I transplant them in a couple days I am going to put them in some composted soil mixed with either worm castings or bat guano, and 1/3 to 1/4 peat moss. Yeah the soil those two are in isn't good my mom got it on the cheap, starting my seeds in just plan peat moss now.


Well-Known Member
Alright sounds good. And I have no idea what kind of soil it is and it does suck. It's mixed with some clay I think and it makes it really hard. When I transplant them in a couple days I am going to put them in some composted soil mixed with either worm castings or bat guano, and 1/3 to 1/4 peat moss. Yeah the soil those two are in isn't good my mom got it on the cheap, starting my seeds in just plan peat moss now.
Id use both,along with some perlite,I always rinse my perlite alot of crap in there,If MG brand it has a small amount of nutes.


Well-Known Member
Id use both,along with some perlite,I always rinse my perlite alot of crap in there,If MG brand it has a small amount of nutes.
Alright I'll see what I can get today. I know it's not MG, but that's about it. I'll have to go out and look at the bag for the brand and see what kind of nutes they say they have in it. Either way I don't really like the soil, the way it feels I'd be surprised on how well the roots are even breathing. I plan on getting new soil if I can or use composted soil, but I know in the past I've had success with using soil from the yard, we are suppose to have the best soil in the nation. So I might have to try a little something like that.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend FFOF,Its good for a month without having to add any nutes.
It has Earthworms castings,and the Bat guano in it,and Ive done a grow along
time ago with just it and nothing else,But a bloom booster.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend FFOF,Its good for a month without having to add any nutes.
It has Earthworms castings,and the Bat guano in it,and Ive done a grow along
time ago with just it and nothing else,But a bloom booster.
Well I figured I would do another one of my home mixes like I did for my first 12/12 grow. It'll have composted soil, worm castings, peat moss, ect. It's not exactly the same as my first recipe, it'll be better, but my first one did well for not having drainage in the pot lol. I would get FFOF but I don't want to spend more cash at the moment and I feel pretty confident in my soil mixes from my classes in soil science. I'll just might have a few minor tweaks won't be ready to go like FFOF. I got AN Big Bud and Bud Candy for flowering though, but that won't be for months.


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't updated for a few days. Hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend, I know I did. The bad part is that I kind of neglected my little babies and the Unknown #1 got a little root bound and looking a little droopy, but I did a transplant to a good soil mixture in a 2 gallon smart pot today so hopefully she will turn around. The True Blue Berry #2 is looking a little droopy, I just watered. If I don't see a turn around today I'll repot as well. I also had a seed called Plato sprout yesterday. So things looking good so far if those two make a turn around today. Picture time. First picture is Plato Day 1, second picture is TBB #2 Day 7, third picture is Unknown #1 Day 9.


Well-Known Member
Just logging some day numbers and pictures. Days are in the title of post, pictures are below, three pictures of each plant. Not happy but not discouraged.


Well-Known Member
Well I noticed bad health in my recently transplanted plant Unknown #1 last night, this morning I aimed it down to a lack phosphorus but I'm not 100% on that. The soil I put it in should be some great stuff, but maybe it's just taking a bad hit from the transplant. True Blue Berry #2 is still sitting in its 4in pot, plan to transplant soon but it does look the best either. With the Plato seedling, it was the first I started from seed in just peat moss, and it's looking healthy, but only about 4 days old if that. SOOOOO.... The plan is to let Unknown #1 do it's thing, thrive or die. True Blue Berry #2 and Plato will be transplanted in 2g Smart Pots with FFOF, no more homemade stuff for now. And also will be starting more seeds soon, since these guys are doing the best. Hopefully soon I'll see what these HPS can do, so far it's been up and down for the last two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I just transplanted some very small seedlings from a germ. tray
to beer cups of soil.

They always seem to just sit there for a few days after the change.

Give them time (and nothing else, in all likelihood) and see what they do.

Good luck,
