First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
My clones often look a bit crappy up top before they
really get going. I will see the beginnings of new growth
and the old stuff does not worry me so much. :0)

...but then again I have also proudly posted a harvest photo
where the trimmed clone leaves had survived the entire grow.

My process will settle down in time I suppose. I have only
lost a few so far, in about 150 taken (the whole tray twice +),
so I am very happy with this tek.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
My last grow I took more than 50 cuts from 4 strains. only a single Blue Dream survived. lol Now I have been cloning it ever since she was big enough. :) of the first 6 I took, 2 were a little messed up, but still alive so far. stunted a bit I think. BUT I GOT 8 MORE ALMOST ROOTED(4 rooted, 4 not) lol....


Well-Known Member
I cannot explain why. I really thought it was toast which is why I was pulling it. I just dropped a seed and was going to put it in the same cup, low and behold there are roots down there. I may have ended up killing it off, but for now I will put the seed in some new roots organic soil.

This is what it looked like when I pulled it:


Well-Known Member
did you plant it and immediately put it under a strong light???
you gotta leave them in the room but not near direct light for the first few days.
slowly getting them closer. you can fry the plant with TOO MUCH light lol I've done it....... with seedlings and clones...
now I give them 3 days at around 3-4 feet from the light them move them about a foot a day until they are under the light.
3-4 days and they are good for me....

Takin off for a bit guys. good luck with all your ventures today....

ADT- Take a couple more. You'll know if your technique works better by seeing how many root in a group. start small, like 4-6 cuts. One at a time will be too slow for you because it can take up to 14 days sometimes more to root a clone depending on age of mother, thickness of stem, length of time left dry, ect.... Just a better look at your technique IMO. Good luck buddy. check in later after I get back.


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning, seeing something weird in my plants. They all look healthy but something is strange with some leaves, I'll be posting pictures in a bit. I tried to find out what it could be on my own and I think it's either under watering or too much humidity maybe? I mean those are the only two things that have changed. Also, checked the tracking # for my light, says it's been delivered to my front door, still wake and bake sesh so haven't check yet. Looks like tomorrow will be day one of flower for the big Plato and Unknown #1. Finally!


Well-Known Member
For sure, I'll get some posted soon. Watered all four younger Plato plants and then put them in the new veg box with the light setup. It's a pretty tight fit with the clone box, and the trays underneath my pots. I'm going to have to just put some plastic down so I don't need the trays, and I'll probably have to add a little lighting for the clone box because the new lights are too far, and the when I put them closer my plants shade them. Turned my timer on my 600w down to 12/12, so day 1 flower for them tomorrow. I have another timer for veg light. Buying a fan for veg room, which I don't know where I am going to fit, it's a really small veg cab.


Well-Known Member
Note to Self - Things still do to with veg cab: add liner to bottom, add clone light, add wood to bottom of door, organize cords. Watered all 4 smaller Plato plants.


Well-Known Member
So I flipped the lights last night so today is going to be Day 1 of flowering for the big Plato plant and the Unknown #1 plant. They both sit around a foot tall, but the plato is probably about 20in wide, with at least 8-10 tops as of now on each. They are about 20inch away from the light, going to water Plato with just plain water today. I'll post pictures once the lights come on in 10 min. I'll also post some pictures of the veg cab, didn't do anything I was going to yesterday, will just work on it today. Pictures will be posted soon. The smaller platos will be on week 4 of veg tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
First three pictures are four Plato plants, 4 weeks veg tomorrow, and the clone box. The four after that are of the Plato plant, day 1 of flowering. The last four are of the Unknown #1 plant, also day 1 of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. :) How they doing? are they coming back for ya or still messing up again.?
Everything is running smooth as of now. I'm just hoping that plato plant is a female, it would be the heavier yielder out of the two I would expect, personally. Hoping to get my light for the clone box in there today so I can start popping some of those seeds I bought.


Well-Known Member

I use that for clones. just to let you know a cheap product. :) costs about $20 including bulbs. Home depot lowes walmart or something like them should carry it.

Used to be my VEG light with a bunch of other CFLs but I got my 400w MH now. :) Good luck bro. be checkin in again. :)
I might end up just getting another light like a have. Little more expensive but still only $50, 2ft 4bulb 96w. If I have two of those that will just fit in my cab and will be plenty of light for 6 vegging plants and my clones.


Well-Known Member
Well I ended up ordering another light, just like the one I just got for vegging. It was cheap enough to afford, and with two I'll have light end to end, so no plants are left out and clones get plenty of light. They design them so you can plug them into one another so it's easy to put them next to each other.


Well-Known Member
Hey ADT. How's it going bro :??: hadn't seen you on the thread in a few. Was just wanting to let you know I have done a few updates of the ladies within the last few pg's, if you want to checks um out. That and wanted to check in and make sure your doing alright bro.. :??: hope all is well yourway buddy. If you ever need to talk, just give me a shout! Danks always up 2 shoot the shit! Haha ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey ADT. How's it going bro :??: hadn't seen you on the thread in a few. Was just wanting to let you know I have done a few updates of the ladies within the last few pg's, if you want to checks um out. That and wanted to check in and make sure your doing alright bro.. :??: hope all is well yourway buddy. If you ever need to talk, just give me a shout! Danks always up 2 shoot the shit! Haha ;)
What up man, it's going good. I've been lerkin on your thread, just kind of been keeping to myself, trying to calm things down around me. I'll make sure to look at the updates again though, think I only remember seeing one.