First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, I really do appreciate it. Feels like a nice weight lifted off my shoulders. I'll do my best and ease up and try to get more comfortable with where I'm at.

I'll get some pictures in a bit of the store bought seeds I started. Two of the kush seedlings are still growing odd, hoping they will shake it off and not grow like this the entire time, but the other one looks great. And the BD x BLG looks great as well.
sounds good man ,will be watchin these aright,need any help on anything always feel free to pm me or post on my thread,yure good in my books .peace my friend.Rdr.


Well-Known Member
I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and both are bi-lingual(I am not) and a wife that that does not speak english as her native language.. Trust me I know what it is like to try to help someone that I cannot understand :) Pretty sure they feel the same way about me come to think of it
Thats why work on Communication skills are needed! "SHAKESHEAD".


Well-Known Member
Notes to self:

First feed of flower nutes were giving to the Plato plants, 1/4 recommended dose.
Will also start Unknown #1 feed over next watering at 1/4 dose, unless my AACT supplies comes before I need to water.
Also gave them both some Fish-E since the haven't any of it for a long time.
Still need to collect pollen from Plato male upstairs and chop him down.
Still need to transplant rooted Plato clone and put into flower closest to find sex; pretty sure it was off a male though.
Ordering everything tomorrow to start brewing AACT. NO MORE SYNTHETICS!
Everything seems well as of now.

Pictures tomorrow, a buddy is coming over soon so won't be around the plants.


Well-Known Member
So nothing too exciting going on today. I have felt super tired and sluggish all day.

I snapped a quick pic of one of the buds on the Unknown #1 plant. I love seeing all the trichs coming in; more and more everyday. Looks like it's going to be some sugary bud. Plus some nice trim for oil. :)



Well-Known Member
Looks Awesome.....Would not be worried about STO bought seeds when you have these genetics.;-)
Thanks! Stuff is just sticky and smells sweeter then hell.

I know right, some of these bagseeds aren't bad at all. Thinking about trying to take a late clone. I got a ton of lower branches that aren't getting light at all, might be able to pull it off.

Also ordered all my AACT stuff last night, will be here Monday or Tuesday so I can start using brews on these girls :)


Well-Known Member
Just got thru with my chores,and my AACT is a foaming away....
Do you have the Teaming with Microbes?
Can get ya a link to download a pdf i put it in adobe reader if you have that?


Well-Known Member

No I haven't read it yet, planned on it this weekend but haven't gotten around looking for it. A link would be great, I got Adobe no worries.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update:

So my AACT brew stuff will be here Tuesday, so the flowering plants will get their first organic feed Thursday. The girls are looking healthy.

Also my fan for exhaust on my veg cab will be coming Tuesday, this will allow me to run both lights without issues. Then I'll transplant all the kushs, BD x BLG, and Auto Purple into 2g S-Pots, their final homes. Hopefully I got enough dirt to do them all.

I'll have pictures on Tuesday after I do the transplants!


I'll have a picture update


Well-Known Member
I looked into that thread a little bit, but not too much. I will have to go check it out more thoroughly tonight since I got nothing better to do tonight lol.

By the way; finished up that "Teaming with Microbes" read. Now that I actually know what I'm doing with these teas about I'm to use, and what it's doing to the soil, this seems way more exciting and A LOT better then using that Advanced Nutes crap or similar products. I have a feeling this is going to up my growing skill by a good amount. :)


Well-Known Member
Pulled a few fans leaves off blocking bud sites on the Unknown #1 plant, hands are just sticky and smell so sweet just from rubbin' around the plant. Cannot describe this sweet smell, swear it's on the tip of my tongue but just can't figure it out. Just incredibly sweet.

Buds are starting to fill out more but not swelling or fattening up yet. Only on week 4 I think of flowering so still got a bit to go for some more fill out and fattening up.

Update and pics come tomorrow like I said. Getting my veg plants repotted and other things so I'll be doing things with the plants I have to record anyways.