First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of one of the buds on Lucid X. She has been flowering for 6 weeks today. I'm excited to see the swelling the next few weeks. I would love for it to finish in 2 weeks because I'm in desperate need of green, but if it finishes at week 10, it's just going to be that much better and bigger.



Well-Known Member
So you have had only the 1 plant that had major nute issues? I can only remeber the one with the P toxicity.......Organics for me,Is alot more forgiving,Then Chemical nutes.Only takes one time, forgetting to add water to them chemical nutes,LOL and there fried!:o


Well-Known Member
Yup, just the one. I think it could of been from using FloraMicro too frequently, but I did that with the rest of my plants just as much and the problem went away.

The two Platos are looking nice and green and healthy, and showed the same problem in the past but nothing has changed with anything I've done after the flush besides the tea feedings, and all three plants are reciveing the same dose of nutes of everything. I just can't figure out what this plants problem is, it might make me have to do an early harvest.

I've flushed twice already before I started doing the tea feeding, it's like it's stuck in the damn plant. Maybe it's the bucket it's in?

My hair lol. I will get a pic of the whole plant, see if I can get a good one.


Well-Known Member
That top is certainly getting crusty ADT. Keep it up.

BTW: I use a tea that is very, very light on nutes....just a bacterial goo
when it is done. I wonder if there are usage concerns, but I believe that
as long as it is kept aerobic it is OK.

I will put only a cup of starter compost, a small handful of alfalfa pellets,
a couple teaspoons of corn syrup to fire things up, to about 20 gallons
of water in a 35 gallon drum.

This mix starts off looking like water, and stays that ways for a couple of
days until it starts to get foamy and takes on a slimy light green-yellow

I used a large pond pump that takes a half inch line up about four
feet and squirts back down into the barrel (being low down in the barrel
is a must, or splashing will slowly empty the barrel ;0).

I also have a large air-pump (two-lines, merged into one) and a large
airstone on the bottom of the barrel.

Anyhoo, the plants love it. I add fishpoo once in a while for the garden veggies.

Take care, and sorry for the thread-jack.


P.S. I forgot to add that I add a tablespoon or two of Plantone, for its
bacterial colonies and a couple of a myco additive too.


Well-Known Member
got distracted by a neighbor bringing me some sexy worm castings! there still kinda wet they look like cake guys lmao here i'll share with the groupwet castings 001.jpgwet castings 002.jpgwet castings 003.jpgwet castings 004.jpgwet castings 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
as for the recipe's here ya go gents!
Here are some tried and true recipes for getting started in organic growing. Pick one of the first two soiless mix recipes for your grow medium. Then, choose a nute recipe that will work best for what you have available.


Here are two very good organic soiless mixes...

LC's Mix is great for any stage of growth. You can germ seeds in it, grow mothers in it, root clones in it as well as veg and flower in it.

LC’s Soiless Mix #1:

5 parts Canadian Spaghnam Peat or Coir or Pro-Moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts wormcastings or mushroom compost or home made compost
Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
...Wal-Mart now sells worm castings.

Or, if you use Pro Mix, Sunshine Mix or Fox Farm mixes...

LC's Soiless Mix #2:

6 parts Pro Mix BX or HP / Sunshine Mix (any flavor from #1 up) / Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Light Warrior
2 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
If you use a 3 qt. saucepan as “parts” in the amounts given above, it equals about 1 cu. ft. of soiless mix and you can just dump in a cup of powdered dolomite lime.
But, a "part" can be anything from a tablespoon to a five gallon bucket. Just use the same item for all of the "parts". has all the information you need. Download TOR and go to silkroadvb5piz3r.onion and join. It's quite simple really. You'll be wondering why you waited so long to try it
Coot has been using his various teas and this is one he keeps using. This is a compilation of a few posts or emails.


Alfalfa is often grown to improve poor or depleted farmlands. Being a legume it fixes Nitrogen in the soil and the root system is massive and goes very deep into the sub-soil - deeper than other legumes and certainly deeper than most domesticated tree crops. This helps to break-up the soil structure allowing greater aeration and water movement in the root zone.

Plus it's up there with kelp meal, comfrey, stinging nettles and other bionutrient accumulators. If used correctly, as in the correct amount, it can add a lot to your garden's plants...

A combination of kelp meal & alfalfa tea is one that I use on a regular basis in the veg cycle and especially a few days after transplanting - it's like steroids.

1 cup of alfalfa meal (pellets) with 1/4 cup kelp meal to 5 gallons of water - bubble for 24 hours or so. This is the strength for watering the soil and dilute that 1:1 with water for a foliar spray.

I do use alfalfa meal for making teas and then the material is then run through worm bins which is what I also do with kelp & neem meals. Even after making a tea approximately 50% of 'the stuff' remains so it's not worthless by any means.



Well-Known Member
BTW ALLDAY gorgeous plant my mang, looking at all the chloro being pulled from those fansd its right around the corner im betting! Ok moving right along with the recipe....

Now for the plants organic food source

Choose one of these organic plant food recipes to add to LC's Soiless Mix.

1/3C hi N Guano (Mexican Bat Guano)RECIPE #1
If you want to use organic nutes like blood, bone and kelp...
Dry Ferts:
1 tablespoon blood meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix
2 tablespoons bone meal per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of soil mix
1-tablespoon kelp meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix or Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract as directed
(OPTIONAL) 1 tablespoon per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of Jersey Greensand to supplement the K (potasium) in the Kelp Meal and seaweed extract.
Mix all the dry ferts into the soiless mix well and wet it, but don't soak it with Liquid Karma and water @ 1 tbs./gal. Stir and mix it a few times a week for a week or two so the bacteria can get oxygen and break down the bone meal and make it available. And don't let the mix dry out, keep it moist and add water as needed. It'll also have time to get the humic acids in the Liquid Karma going and the dolomite lime will be better able to adjust the pH of a peat based mixture too.
With this recipe, all you need to do is add plain water until harvest.
When I'm working with seeds, I punch a hole in the bottom of 16 ounce cups and fill them with plain LC's Mix. Lightly wet the mix in the cups and germ one seed in each cup. At the same time I mix enough LC's mix along with the blood/bone/kelp to fill all the 3 gallon flower pots I'm going to use for the grow. After about two weeks, the seedlings and the blood/bone/kelp mix are ready. I transplant the seedlings into the 3 gallon pots and just add water until harvest.
When you go to flower and pull up the males, save the mix in the pots. It is ready to be used again immediately. Just remove the root ball and transplant another seedling into it.

If you want to use guano in your soil mix...
Bongaloid's Guano Mix.
Use all these items combined with one gallon of soil mix.

1/2C hi P Guano (Jamaican or Indonesian Bat Guano)
1TBS Kelp Meal
(OPTIONAL) 1TBS Jersey Greensand


Well-Known Member
And finnaly...Part 3 the tea recipe you requested

You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags. 3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store. Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers. Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket. The tea should look like a mud puddle. Agitate the bag in the water vigorously. An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it. If you find you are making too much tea and having tRECIPE #3 (My favorite)
If you want to use guano tea and kelp...

Guano Tea and Kelp:

Seedlings less than 1 month old nute tea mix-
Mix 1 cup earthworm castings into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
Add 5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses.
Use it to water your seedlings with every 3rd watering.

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 1 cup of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 2 cups of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Three Little Birds Method
40 gallons used soil
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups powdered dolomite lime
30 pound bag of earthworm castings . . .
That’s the basic recipe . . .
However we also like to use
4 cups of Greensand
4 cups of Rock Phosphate
4 cups of diatomaceous earth


Fish and Seaweed (This is sooo easy)

For veg growth…
1 capful 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion
1 capful Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 Seaweed or Maxicrop liquid
1 gallon H2O

For early flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-3-1 Fish/Seaweed
1 gallon H2O

For mid to late flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-4-1 Fish
1 gallon H2O

And now for some more good tips...

Organic pH issues

I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.
The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.

Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat. Dolomite should be used in any soil or soiless medium to provide magnesium and calcium. But since we are talking about pH here, I'll mention dolomite lime's pH correction benefits.

A medium of coir has a pH near neutral (or 7.0). But humates are still neded to allow uptake of organic nutrients that are outside a near neutral pH range.
With an active medium rich in humates you can pour in nutes like Pure Blend Pro, Earth Juice and guano teas way outside the optimum pH range without worry. The humus will allow the nutes to be taken up through the roots, even at such an extreme pH reading.
So throw those pH meters away folks and enjoy the ease and safety of organic gardening.

Chlorine tap water

Just a word of caution for you organic heads out there...
If you are tapped onto a municipal water supply that uses chlorine to kill bacteria in the water, it'll do the same thing to the bacteria (microherd) in your organic food source.
Always bubble your municipal water in an open container (5 gallon bucket) for 24 hours before adding ANYTHING organic to it.


There is absolutely no reason to "flush" organic nute solutions from your soil mix. In an organic grow, the plants don't take up the organic nutes (guano, bone, blood or kelp). The bacteria eat the organic nutes and excrete food that the plant can feed off of. So the organic nutes don't need to be flushed because they never enter the plant. And besides, meals like kelp, bone and blood along with worm castings and dolomite can't be flushed from your soil mix anyway. If you use guano and seaweed, try using plain water or worm casting tea for your last watering or two so the plant can use up what's left in the soil. But drowning your soil with water isn't necessary.
Guano Tea and Kelp:

Seedlings less than 1 month old nutrient tea mix-
5 TBS. Black Strap Molasses
1-cup earthworm castings/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering

Vegetative mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 TBS. Maxi-crop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 TBS. Liquid Karma (optional)
5 TBS. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.

Flowering nutrient tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 TBS. Maxi-crop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract or Liquid
5 TBS. Black Strap Molasses

Dilute as needed. Generally, 2 to 3 cups per 5 gallons of water @ every watering.

Each mix is unique. Use your better judgment on the amounts and the ingredients. Remember, your tea can be as versatile as you wish it to be. Be creative. Your plants will love you for it.
Iv been getting quite a few pms from different people asking me a few things here and there.
For any organic beginner or experienced grower... This is where its at, nice and simple and very effective.

For anyone wanting to try some simple tried and true supersoil.... This is for you, it has grown some of my finest plants... If you do this in conjunction with a few guano kelp teas here and there you will never turn back.
Its called vicks supersoil. I believe Genuity has given this recipe a go with good results.
I added prices.
1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)~~~~~~~~~~~$36
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$8
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$18 for 8lb bag, you only use half... leftovers!
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source~~~~~~~~~~~~$3
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering~~~~~$10
4 cups kelp meal.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$8
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$20 for 30lb add all 30lbs

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.

Use it to water with EVERY watering.
o throw it out, use 2 1/2 gallons of water and cut the nute amount by half. /////////////


Well-Known Member
ns plant long did yu veg 8weex?
I went back and checked and I vegged between 7-8 weeks in a 2g smart pot, then transplanted into a 5g bucket. It started off a mess if you look far enough back, but it has sure turned into something I would have never expected.

That top is certainly getting crusty ADT. Keep it up.

BTW: I use a tea that is very, very light on nutes....just a bacterial goo
when it is done. I wonder if there are usage concerns, but I believe that
as long as it is kept aerobic it is OK.

I will put only a cup of starter compost, a small handful of alfalfa pellets,
a couple teaspoons of corn syrup to fire things up, to about 20 gallons
of water in a 35 gallon drum.

This mix starts off looking like water, and stays that ways for a couple of
days until it starts to get foamy and takes on a slimy light green-yellow

I used a large pond pump that takes a half inch line up about four
feet and squirts back down into the barrel (being low down in the barrel
is a must, or splashing will slowly empty the barrel ;0).

I also have a large air-pump (two-lines, merged into one) and a large
airstone on the bottom of the barrel.

Anyhoo, the plants love it. I add fishpoo once in a while for the garden veggies.

Take care, and sorry for the thread-jack.


P.S. I forgot to add that I add a tablespoon or two of Plantone, for its
bacterial colonies and a couple of a myco additive too.
Thanks, it's defiantly getting close, within a few weeks.

I love new tea recipes so I can always give some new ones shots if mine don't own up. I make small batches, like 5g at a time.

I'll have to look into that Plantone, seems like it would be a nice additive.


Well-Known Member
tbh both very experienced farmers here and at the botany division of the university of Vermont have been very important to my information collections. If at anytime you'd like more literature on compost tea's and microbe herds along with a litany of different aspect of organic farming that we can all incorporate into our gardens no matter what size your rockin. I have pdf files through the ass honestly and im a weirdo for sharing info and seeing the results come to fruition! Truly a beautiful way of life this cannabis plant of ours is, everytime I think I got it figured out it teaches me in the most humbling of ways at times that I am a student of a gift from earth...and for that I an eternally thankful. Had the northern lights north of us lastnight guys twas sexy! [video=youtube_share;N0MjfMMPMTY][/video]