First hydro attempt need advice / opinions (w/pics)


Active Member
Ok, I've done the newb research and taken what I considered the best advice from all and constructed this setup. Eventually when I bud these I'll use the other half of the partition I made as my veg area.

Setup is a 1000w MH with crap looking hood. While I have a spare directed hood this one seems to have a wider light field. I covered the area with 12mm 'panda' and constructed the baseboard which the pots sit into.

If you're wondering what system is used its something called autopot (Hydroponics l AutoPot Systems | Plant Driven l Saves Water l Hanging Baskets l Simple Hydroponic l Aquaponics l Aquaponic l) which after doing my research gave me the best of everything. Its a gravity fed system which has a special valve allowing for filling then complete drain by the plants without refilling until there is no water left to allow air through the roots.

No exhaust system or light mover yet, once the mover is installed I'll use the other 4 spare pots. Its basement located and has a fan drawing air from under the house as well as several oscillating fans.

My basic question is when is the best time to start the budding? How tall should I grow these to maximise THC content? I've heard you can grow them quite tall before you bud however there's some cutoff point where the resin content actually drops to support larger buds. I want to start budding as soon as those small ones double in size but since I have the vertical space should I simply wait?

FYI The 3 small looking plants were initially all in the one pot which as you can obviously see didn't help it out too much.

So if somebody can answer the budding question and any opinions on what I've done wrong or what I could do to improve the system (within reasonable or no cost to me :)) would be great!



Active Member
Also what is the highest temp that these guys can handle? It has been as hot as 31C but it doesn't seem to affect the plants too much.


Active Member
Gee thanks guys for no input. I could be wrong posting this in the newb forum despite being a newb cause all I see are lameos posting pics of some germinating seeds or closet cfl losers. Come on is this forum for actual growers or just for lonely posers?


Well-Known Member
yo slowjoe, you don't want to veg a plant too tall. in flower she could really stretch and cause you problems. i usually flower at 12 inches. it doesn't make sense to veg at much taller either. your light will only penetrate so far down into the canopy. how tall they get during veg plays no part in potency.


Well-Known Member
holy heck slowjoe88 - give us a chance! welcome to the site.

height does not equal potency. plants will double, triple or possibly quadruple in size once they start flowering so you may not have the vertical space you think you do with that 1000w light.

You should switch to HPS for flowering and ...
make sure you filter your incoming air - to keep pests and other nasties out of your house and garden.

weed can "handle" very high temperatures but will effect growth and yield. If you are supplementing CO2 you are supposed to slightly increase your temp but i have no experience with this and will not comment further.

get that exhaust and lots of fresh air to the plants ASAP - that will effect yield. and should help decrease your temps.

also - you can switch to 12/12 anytime - it is really up to you just be aware there will be a lot more vertical growth (unless you take steps like topping, tying, bending or something) so if your light isn't air-cooled you'll have to keep the plants that much further away.

and did i mention lots and lots of fresh air?


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys i thought that my post might slip into forum obscurity before getting answered. I'll start the 12/12 once I run out of nutrient solution (there's about 35litres left).
I setup a primitive exhaust and good air intake the temp is now around 29 degrees. I'll get the carbon sock and exhaust fan when I start the budding since the setup is around 500$ AU with ducting. The I can use the other area as my 'veg' area

The soon-to-be budding area is pretty light proof except for a small slit up the top and the veg will be made the same way.

Can the budding plants take the amount of light from the veg area that gets through the small 1cm gap near the top? This plastic stuff reflects really well but I'd rather only buy the one exhaust + carbon filter for the budding area.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys i thought that my post might slip into forum obscurity before getting answered. I'll start the 12/12 once I run out of nutrient solution (there's about 35litres left).
I setup a primitive exhaust and good air intake the temp is now around 29 degrees. I'll get the carbon sock and exhaust fan when I start the budding since the setup is around 500$ AU with ducting. The I can use the other area as my 'veg' area

The soon-to-be budding area is pretty light proof except for a small slit up the top and the veg will be made the same way.

Can the budding plants take the amount of light from the veg area that gets through the small 1cm gap near the top? This plastic stuff reflects really well but I'd rather only buy the one exhaust + carbon filter for the budding area.

do your best to not allow ANY light during the dark period while flowering. It is said that light during the dark period is the cause of hermies. run duct work to the veg area if you have to but a different fan would be better.