First hydro grow. Dwc. Yippee.


Active Member
I have a few projects going at once. They are already about a month or so into veg. I have 11 in veg. Right now due to the fact that idk how many will be female. I'm hoping to get 6 females. But it's all experimental right now. Lol. 5 topped plants in a 5 plant 15 gallon DWC res. I have 4 in dirt in veg. Another in a 3.5 gal dwc with the water pump making a current instead of airstones. And one more in a 2 gal dwc bucket. Running 1 200w CFL and 6 23w CFLs around it. As for nutes I'm using AN sensi grow A&B, liquid karma, and some great white. In my dwc I'm keeping the ph around 5.6-6.0 and ppm varies in each dwc since I'm just toying with different ppms to see whats doing the best. Feel free to give me any input good or bad. All criticism is welcomed.

Well I don't think I can post pics from an IPad so I guess whenever I can get to a safe computer I'll post the pics.


Active Member
Uh oh. I think I've run into some N deficiency. I upped the N in my res let's see if that helps. Still no computer to post pics :(


Active Member
Ok i figured out by reading a good bit that it's a calcium deficiency. Any tips on getting this fixed? I think it was from the soil because the ones I have still in soil are the worst. The ones in the dwc have little to no signs of this. I'm gonna post pics in an hour or two.


Active Member
Boron? I don't let the ph get above 6.2. It only gets that high because i check once a day. I guess I should start checking twice a day.


Active Member
more pics of the blooms and also one of my soon to be mothers in veg who will start producing nice little clones to go into bloom as soon as they are rooted


2nd set of pics look like a few things... pH imblance because the leaves are curved downard, Ca/Mg def because the small yellow/brown/orangish spots around outside of leaves. Where is the area effected most on the plant. In my experience it's easy to determine if you are over feeding or under feeding. Over feeding will give you burnt tips/edges of leaves in the middle but mostly bottom leaves on the plant while under feeding with show slightly similar signs on the top or the new growth. Hope this helps you