First Hydro Grow w/ Ebb and Gro and Have a Question

Hello all,

So I have been growing for soil for a year now without any major problems, and I recently decided to switch over to hydro for faster growth rates, and also cleanliness and ease of maintenance. I have an Ebb and Gro system setup with 12 buckets, and I am currently using the Humboldt line of products. I am using the Micro, Grow, Bloom, Honey, and Myco Madness. The reason I am using these is only that I have no prior experience with Hydro, and the sales person at the hydro store strongly recommended them.

Anyhow, I followed the directions on the nutrients for veg and I am keeping the pH at 5.5-5.6 and the PPM is about 1010 (a little high, but I figured it should be okay). The plants have been in the Hydro for about 2 weeks now, and half of them seem to be doing just fine, and the other half seem to have some signs of something wrong (not sure what, that's why I am here). The ones that have signs of a problem are showing dry looking leaves that are growing in large quantity, but growing very thin, and very dry looking. I think it may be over fertilization, but I have no prior experience with hydro so I do not know.

The ones showing signs of problems are the 6 that are furthest from the controller bucket. It seems odd, but the 6 that are closest to the bucket are not showing any signs of problems. The other strange thing is that the floor is not 100% level, but it is not far off. Basically the buckets closest to the far wall (furthest from the controller bucket) dont fill as high as the ones closest to the bucket. They still fill adequately (wet the top layer of clay) but that is the only thing really different. Here is a link to a bunch of pictures. It is 14MB though because there is a bunch of hi-res pix in there, but it is hosted on a private server so the download is fast.

I greatly appreciate any input, as this is my first trial batch in Hydro and I hope to get it down before my next batch, which is White Rhino :hump:


Well-Known Member
upload some pix bro and i am sure you will get the help you need, some nutrients although your ppm being a bit strong for only 2 weeks into veg, nutes like humboldt which i believe are partially organic i think are soft, i use botanicare and its a soft nutrient, also the strain may not handle high nutes too good, try using a smaller dosage and never go full label strength until the plants are more mature. you can check to see if they take the nutes up by daily taking ppm readings, if the numbers stay about the same then its fine, if number rise then its too much and if numbers go down then you can add a little more....less is more and sometimes you can do more harm than good by pushing the plants over the top with nutes.


Well-Known Member
Morris is correct about nutes, it is best to err on the side of caution until you have everything down solid. You should not have a high PPM until you see roots coming out of the bottoms of all the inner pots, at which time you turn it up to 600 ppm or so then gradually go up from there. I never run mine higher than 800 ppm during vegetative cycle.
Anyone else? Has anyone looked at the pics and can give me more specifics? I think I will lower the PPM for now, but if anyone could check the pics and provide some more input I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!