First hydro grow. What's up with my leaves? Pics included


Well-Known Member
I'm trying a SOG grow in a 2x4 flood table. Everything is looking pretty good so far except for a few funky looking leaves. Hopefully you guys can help me diagnose them.

Some info on the grow: The strains are Bubba kush, bubblegum, and master kush. Using tap water that comes out a 500ppm (San Diego), adding Botanicare Pure Blend Bloom at 1400ppm (just started adding liquid karma too), adding 29% H2O2 at 3 ml/gal every 4-5 days, temp and humidity are usually pretty good - sometimes it gets into the low 80's. I was flooding twice a day for about 8 minutes from start to finish, but I just switched to once a day. The medium is Sure to Grow loose fill, which is non wicking, but holds water pretty well.

Pic 1: A lot of the lower leaves on my plants are starting to look like this. Some kind of deficiency?

Pic 2: Leaf twisting and purple stems - I was told the purpling was from too much phosphorus but I've read its from not enough.

Pic 3: Leaf curling. :confused:

Pic 4: Leaf tips curling down

Pic 5: Does this plant look like its stretching?


fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
hey man,,,jst wondering what your water temps and ph are,,,and are they clones that your sexing also wat light light you got???????


Well-Known Member
hey man,,,jst wondering what your water temps and ph are,,,and are they clones that your sexing also wat light light you got???????
Water temp is usually in the high 60's and I'm using a 600W light. It's a SOG grow so I started them flowering at about 9" and I've been cutting all branching off the lower third of the plants. I'm copying Al B. Fuct's growing style for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I'm using a ph indicator and shooting for 5.8 so I try to keep it a slightly dark yellow.


Active Member
Oh and I'm using a ph indicator and shooting for 5.8 so I try to keep it a slightly dark yellow.

Hey uhh,

there is your problem. PH flux. You really shouldn't do hydro without a ph meter. Doesn't have to be great, get a cheap hanna on ebay for $25... and I recommend ASAP.

That one looks a little far is your light away? Did the ones on the outer edge stretch more?


Well-Known Member
Hey uhh,

there is your problem. PH flux. You really shouldn't do hydro without a ph meter. Doesn't have to be great, get a cheap hanna on ebay for $25... and I recommend ASAP.

That one looks a little far is your light away? Did the ones on the outer edge stretch more?
Yeah that one has been on the outer edge. I'll start rotating them and see if that helps. The light is about 2.5 feet away since I haven't set up the venting yet.

I haven't gone for the ph meter yet because I read that they aren't easy to calibrate and don't maintain consistent readings, making them more trouble than they are worth. I've also heard the opposite, but it seems to me like the ph indicator would be consistent at least. Is that not true?

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
Yeah that one has been on the outer edge. I'll start rotating them and see if that helps. The light is about 2.5 feet away since I haven't set up the venting yet.

I haven't gone for the ph meter yet because I read that they aren't easy to calibrate and don't maintain consistent readings, making them more trouble than they are worth. I've also heard the opposite, but it seems to me like the ph indicator would be consistent at least. Is that not true?
you should spend the cash on a ph indicator,,i was whitout 1 for a while and i did'nt have good venting but trust me man you need to short out your space ,,your plants will love ya for it,,mine did,,have a look on the irish grow thread my posts a recent ,,,,i have seen a dude on you tube useing same kinda method as you,,,type in small plants big buds,,if you spend the time and look at his channel,he gives all his info,,think he will help,,,, good air is key man,,,whitout it in turn comes heat and humidity problems,,,but hey mine have been through shit and when i sorted my space they hit back,,a air stone in your ress would help whit h20,,,,,,hope all gos well :bigjoint:mate:bigjoint:


Active Member
That's just WAY too far away. Stretch is inevitable like that. Cool that sucker and pull it down. The light x2s exponentially, the closer you get. I run my 1ks less than 5 inches away...granted I have a light mover AND they're cooled...but anything further than a foot is just wasteful :D

Whoever said PH meters are hard to use was a moron. You dip em in calibration fluid and turn a screw...really complex, I know. And they're very accurate. I check mine once a week or so, and once in a while it's off by a tenth or maximum 2 tenths. And if the blotter paper were accurate, you wouldn't had to make this thread :)

Here's the pic from the grow faq indicating Ph flux:

Look familiar?

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
That's just WAY too far away. Stretch is inevitable like that. Cool that sucker and pull it down. The light x2s exponentially, the closer you get. I run my 1ks less than 5 inches away...granted I have a light mover AND they're cooled...but anything further than a foot is just wasteful :D

Whoever said PH meters are hard to use was a moron. You dip em in calibration fluid and turn a screw...really complex, I know. And they're very accurate. I check mine once a week or so, and once in a while it's off by a tenth or maximum 2 tenths. And if the blotter paper were accurate, you wouldn't had to make this thread :)

Here's the pic from the grow faq indicating Ph flux:

Look familiar?
dudes right,,my ph tester you just have to push the cal buttom dip in fluid,,,an ec tester is handy too,,,also about the light i would also have to agree ,,after alot of homework,,the guy on youtube covers all that ,,,its not a info overload ,,its worth a look.....i must say i was useing general hydroponics ph down and was correcting almost every day since i got grotex ph just 1 time at ress change and only 1/4 amount


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks. Ph meter is on the way, ducting is on the way. This is my first hydro grow so I'm still in awe of all the stuff I have to buy. I think I have all the essentials covered now though. Thanks guys :clap:. I just put in a small A/C unit so I lowered my light to about 10" above the plants with the A/C keeping it at 77 degrees. My light is overkill for the table (75 watts/sq ft), does that compensate for the light being farther away?

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
Okay thanks. Ph meter is on the way, ducting is on the way. This is my first hydro grow so I'm still in awe of all the stuff I have to buy. I think I have all the essentials covered now though. Thanks guys :clap:. I just put in a small A/C unit so I lowered my light to about 10" above the plants with the A/C keeping it at 77 degrees. My light is overkill for the table (75 watts/sq ft), does that compensate for the light being farther away?
as long as you can keep your temps in control there is no such thing as overkill ,,,,as close to plant whitout burning your girls,,hope all go's well:weed: