First hydroponics grow need feedback and help please :)


Active Member
Haha i forgot to say my ph pen is playing up so i dont trust it all. I went and ordered one of those eco tech ones ph 2 3 point calibration cost me 130 bucks lol
in express post should be here by monday wednesday at the latest


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro. I dont really know how to use this site haha im not sure when i should start flowering dont want them huge atleaste a oz or 2 a plant i want
I may be speaking too soon but 1+ oz per plant is easily do-able under a 400 watt lamp if you start flowering now. lel


Active Member
only you know that stuff. I think you should water right after transplanting: it helps the roots to bind with the new medium, don't worry too much about overwatering cause it's unlikely that will happen.
I also notice the drooping thing happening but I can't really explain it. It's not over or underwatering it's soemthing to do with the light. Probably not a bad thing at all
Hey man heres my plants today post what u have got haha



Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed for the ak47.

I've never seen anything like that. Bump for others to chime in
did you take the leaf off or did it fall out on its own?